Chapter five Killer Momments

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So it's midnight and I'm sitting in a tree at the edge of 'blood ash' land. looking for my next target. Targets names Ken and Frank, they normally hunt at this time. So I just have to hope it's to day so I don't have to kill then I'm pack land.

The two killers have hunted and killed human for the last year. Today will be the last time.

Their was braking of sticks in the distance, I jumped tree to tree silently I till catching sight of two wolfs, with the exact description of my targets.

I raced after them using my vampire speed, making as much noise as possible. They both stopped, and growled looking my way, I stopped moving. I grinned and started singing.

"Jake and Jill when up a hill," they started running at me. "to fetch a pale of water."

They jumped and I move out of the way. Making then go face down into the dirt, I shoved the dagger in to one wolfs heart. "Jack fell down and brook his crown," I flipped around and stab up into the other wolfs heart, who was trying to get the jump on me.

"And Jill came tumbling after."


School today was all whisper about two dead bodies. Bet I can guess who's, but the one reason I'm at school today is to see is theirs anything good with the gossiping. Hopefully to find my next three targets the bomber Jayden and two mystery drug dealers.

I stand at my locker pretending to look at my phone, well listening to people around me.

"Hey did you hear that Blade found his mate."

Wonder who? Sarcasm.

"It's not proven yet, we still have a chance."

Should be jealous but sense I can't have him why can they, oh yea they just what to use him.

I slammed my locker door and turned around, brick wall.

What hit me, "Hey Dawna!" Crap it speaks, I looking up and was meet with yellow eyes.

"Hello Blade," crap how to get out of this one.

"Well mmm...," He may get me out of this one, by embarrassment.

"Have you seen the video?" he said really quick, must be the first thing that came to mind. Wow, hold it. "What video?"

He looked at the ground and shuffled his feet, "The red kill."

Mm... this is important why has gossip not been around this.
"Can you show me it," I said acting really shy and pushing up my glass.
He pull out his phone and turns it my way, a video starts playing of the forest I was at last night. The sound of running feet, then two wolfs come into view. Then the rest was exactly what has happen last night. Blade was giving the phone a despite look when the wolfs dropped dead.
I all of a sudden noted that he was really to close for safety, "Wow that was cool." I said well moving away from him.
"That was not cool that freak of a killer killed two of my friends." Ouch that hurt my feelings or what I had of them. He growled out, crap angry alpha. Mm... how do I take care of this.
A girl came up behind him, blonde, plastic, curvy, and blue eyes. Guessing she hots for Blade by how's she's walking, she gave me the evil eye.
Blade meetly came down, and started texting on his phone.
"Hello and who must you be?" She said to me well clinging to Blades arm, he didn't even notes she was there.

"Dawna meet Wonda," Ah, the bee with a itch has a name. Darn I hope she's one of the drug dealers, not smart enough to be a bomb maker.
Blade was about to say something before Wonda open her mouth, "I'm his girl friend, that must steal him away for a little bit."
What! I bit my tough in till the taste of copper covered my mouth. She lifted his arm in till it was around her neck, then well turning away from me stuck her hand in to his back Jean pocket.
If I'm not careful I will kill her in school grounds, or better public showing of death. I can picture it now, me laughing well putting her head on the school flag pole.
The though of Blade letting her do that to him in front of me, is what made me even angrier.
I just what to kill everything today and the air is here is just to much.
My wings hurt to much anyway, I walked out side and ran in to the near be forest.
Nothing can happen their right?
Gosh I just what to kill Wonda well writhing this part.
I need ideas for Dawna's best friend, and creature type.
Dedicating this chapter Gabereilalbarra827 for my new target's name.
Lova peeps!

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