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A few weeks later.

It was Saturday, and Monica's church would be having an event. A few times out of the year, they would plan to have a church family outing and go somewhere where everyone could be involved and have fun. Monica decided to ride with her friend, Brielle to the event. She didn't feel like waiting for her mom to arrive and have to follow her around the whole time.

They had just pulled up to the place the event would be held at, and saw a few church members. They both got out the car and walked to where they would be. Seeing a few people along the way, Monica shyly greeted and hugged them. Walking in, she immediately made eye contact with the one and only, Emmanuel. She slightly smiled at him, feeling awkward and not knowing what to do. He just continued to stare at her so she looked away, rubbing her arm. Thinking to herself, she noticed his wife or kids were no where in sight.

"Let's go sit over there." Her friend Brielle said, snapping Monica out of her thoughts. They sat in their seats, waiting for the pastor to tell everyone how the whole day would go, and the activities there would be. After the tables started to fill up, the pastor explained everything dealing with the food, activities, and other things. Of course, Monica wanted to eat before doing any kind of activities.

Her and Brielle ate and talked. Monica made sure not to bring up the whole thing with Emmanuel yet. She wanted to only keep that between her and Kayla, her friend she always met up with to discuss everything.

Monica and Bri decided to walk around a bit before deciding what they exactly wanted to do. Walking past the basketball court, Monica saw him again. This time, in a tank top. His tattoos were showing, his forehead glistening from sweat, and his focus completely on the game. She didn't want to stare, but damn he looked good. Brielle didn't notice her staring, because she was too busy looking for an activity, but Emmanuel looked up and saw Monica staring at him.

Quickly looking away, she pulled Brielle into the direction of the Gokart area.

"Let's go Gokarting." She said quickly wanting to die of embarrassment. She could still feel Emmanuel's eyes burning a hole into the back of her skull. She took a slight glance back and saw him with a small smirk on his face, but he was focusing on the game.

30 minutes later

Monica and Brielle were doing a new activity: painting. Brielle deciding on painting a self portrait, while Monica decided on painting a sunset.

Finishing up the final touches on her painting, Monica decided to go wash up since she had paint all over her hands.

"I'll be back Bri, I'm gonna go wash up." She said getting out of her seat and making her way through the hallway, to the bathroom. Going in the bathroom to the sink, she removed all the paint from her hands. She checked to make sure she looked okay, and walked out.

Before turning the corner, she heard two males voices speaking, and she noticed one of those voices belonged to Emmanuel. She decided to be nosey, knowing good and well she shouldn't.

"I know it's hard man, but you'll get through it. It happens sometimes and that's okay." What's hard? Monica asked herself.

"Yeah, but I'm worried about the kids. I really don't know how they'll take the divorce, they're still young you know?" Emmanuel sighed. Monica's eyes widened in shock. She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"It'll be hard, trust me I know, but they'll learn to deal with it. Maybe get them into therapy to help them through the whole process. Just pray about what's best man. God's got you all. I'm here if you need me." As they continued on with a different conversation, Monica decided to go the opposite direction, not wanting to let it be known she was there.

She couldn't wait to tell Kayla all about this info. Monica was genuinely in shock. She thought they were a happy perfect family of 6, but it obviously wasn't. Not wanting to get her hopes up, she decided to push those delusional thoughts away and just enjoy the day.

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