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1 month later...Wednesday

It's been a month, and Monica and Emmanuel have grown closer. Monica got her car back about a week in a half ago, but Emmanuel would still take her to work from time to time. Her mom figured out that she likes him, but didn't mention anything. She could also tell Emmanuel was starting to like Monica too.

It was currently a little after 8, and there was no sign of Monica. Emmanuel was starting to get a little worried because it wasn't like Monica to not come out, she would at least text she's running a bit behind. He knew something wasn't right. He called his job, letting them know he'd be working from home.

He went up to the door, and rung the doorbell. After a few tries, he realized she wasn't coming to the door at all. He tried calling her phone, but she didn't answer. He decided to start looking around for a spare key.

After about 5 minutes of looking, he finally found one and opened the door.

"Monica?" He called out.

"I'm in here." He heard her faint voice. He walked towards it and saw the door closed. He knocked, and she told him come in. She was laying in bed, looking very sick.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" He asked her bending down to her level. She found it cute that he was worried.

"I have really bad periods and I was throwing up so much last night, and my cramps are bad today. I called out of work." She said placing a towel on her head. Emmanuel sighed. He could tell she wasn't feeling good at all and that bothered him, but he didn't understand why.

"Well, I don't want you staying here by yourself. I'm taking you to my house. I'll be working from home today." He told her.

"It's fine. I don't want to be a bother I-" He cut he off before she could finish.

"You won't be a bother. I offered to look after you. What do you need? I'll get your stuff." He said getting up looking around the room. Monica started to tell him where everything was from her bags, to her toiletries, and a few other things she may need. She slowly sat up, a wave of vertigo hitting her but she shook it off. She grabbed her crocs, and her phone, and followed Emmanuel out the door. He held on to her to make sure she didn't fall because of how weak she was.

"I'll lock up the door. You stand against the wall." He told her. He locked up the door, and grabbed her arm again guiding her to the car. He helped her get in and immediately started to let the seat back, feeling nauseous again. He placed her stuff in the backseat and got in the drivers side and made his way towards his house. He looked over at her and saw how frail she looked.

"You okay?" He asked her.

"Just nauseous again, but I'm sure it's just from the motion. I'll be okay." She said keeping her eyes closed.

"We're almost there, don't worry." He said turning on his street. He lived about 15 minutes away from her, not too far. He decided to go ahead and place her things in the house, and went back outside to get her. He helped her into the house, and took her to his room.

"You can lay in my bed, I'll be doing some work at my desk, that way I can keep an eye on you. The bathroom is over there on that side of the room. And if you need anything just let me know." He said. Monica got in the bed and immediately laid down. The bed smelled just like him, which comforted her. She closed her eyes and tried to ignore her cramps. As she tried to fall asleep, her nausea only got worse. She remembered she had a nausea pill in her pocket, and pulled it out immediately taking it.

For the next 10 minutes, she just kept tossing and turning, not being able to get comfortable.

"You need anything?" She heard Emmanuel ask. She sat up and sighed.

"No, I just can't get comfortable."

"Have you eaten?" He asked her closing his computer.

"Not since yesterday morning." She responded. Emmanuel looked at her like she was crazy, and got up.

"I'm going to make you some soup, and I'll make enough so you can take it home. You need to eat. I'll be back." He said to her making her sit up.

"No, no. I will be fine. You need to get back to work." She said swinging her legs off the bed about to get out. He rushed over to her bending down to her level, getting close to her face.

"Monica. Lay down. Now." He said catching her off guard. She put her legs back on the bed, and pulled the covers to her chest. Emmanuel walked out the door, and made his way to the kitchen.

Monica felt bored waiting for him to finish cooking so she decided to sneak to the kitchen. Standing behind the wall, she watched him cut all the ingredients, but what really caught her attention is his muscles flexing.

She could've sworn she felt herself drooling.

"It's rude to stare and not speak." Emmanuel said making Monica jump out her skin. Clearing her throat, she came from behind the wall and sat at the barstool.

"Sorry." She mumbled avoiding eye contact with him. "How did you learn to cook?" She asked him.

"I taught myself. My sister used to get sick often, so I made my very own chicken noodle soup recipe. I still make it for her til this day." He said chuckling a bit, and making his way to the stove.

"Oh okay, nice." Monica said nodding her head. "Where do you work?"

Emmanuel laughed before answering. "You're full of questions today huh? I work in real estate."

"Yes I am." She said rolling her eyes. "But that's why you're able to work from home...hm must be nice."

She started feeling her cramps ramp up again, so she decided to go back into the room and lay down.

After about 45 minutes, Emmanuel came in the room holding a tray with the chicken noodle soup and a gatorade. He handed her the tray, and she smiled.

"Thank you...but I'm not hungry." She said grabbing the gatorade and starting to sip it.

"You're welcome...but I don't care. Eat. At least 5 bites." He said sitting on the bed in front of her. She frowned and sighed picking up the spoon.

Emmanuel sat there and watched her the whole time, making sure she ate 5 bites. Once she did, he grabbed the tray from her.

"Good girl." He said catching her off guard and walking out the room. She took a few more sips of her gatorade and went to the bathroom before he came back.

After a few minutes, she finally came out and got right back in the bed, laying down. She started to feel her eyes getting heavy.

"You need anything else?" Emmanuel asked her. She shook her head no, and closed her eyes drifting off to sleep.

To be continued...

Excuses any mistakes (:

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