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Sunday Morning

Monica had just arrived to church and was praying that she was able to avoid Emmanuel all day. She walked in greeting everyone, and sat at the back. Emmanuel spotted her and so badly wanted to talk to her, but he was feeling horrible. He could barely remember last night. He wasn't a drinker at all, and that night he was off the chain.

However, he does recall calling Monica and apologizing. Although he meant it, he knew for a fact Monica would not accept his apology, not only because he was drunk, but because he knew he hit her where it hurts. Monica looked around and made eye contact with Emmanuel. Immediately breaking eye contact, she realized how bad he looked and he could see how broken she looked.

She could tell her had a horrible hangover. As church went on, she would accidentally make eye contact with him or catch him staring at her.

Once church ended, she spoke to everyone and did her best to avoid Emmanuel...but of course that didn't work. As she was talking to a group of people, he came over and started to greet everyone. Once it came to Monica, they both had no choice but to speak to one another to make things seem normal. When he hugged her, her heartbeat quickened, but she did her best to ignore it.

Before she left, she was standing in the front texting her friends about what had just happened. Before she walked out, she looked up and saw Emmanuel standing there. She could tell he wanted to speak to her and she rolled her eyes.

"Monica listen-" but she was already opening the door and walking out the building.

She had finally left, and when she got home she sat on her bed thinking.

"What can I do to get him off my mind?" And in that moment, she decided on downloading a dating app. After uploading few pictures, she started to swipe on a few guys.

She decided to call Kayla and Bre, showing them the guys she'd come across and who'd swipe on her. After making fun of lots of them, she came across one that was the whole package.

"Y'all ooh not only is he cute, he's christian, he likes to travel, and best of all, he has a puppy and it's so cute!" Monica said immediately swiping on him.

After a few seconds he immediately texted her. "OH MY GOD YALL HE TEXTED ME." Monica shouted.

"Text him back!" Kayla and Bre said at the same time. She did as they said, and her and the guy, Evan started to text. It was ironic his name started with a E, and he sort of put her in the mind of Emmanuel with his looks, but she ignored it. Her full focus was on Evan. Emmanuel was in the past and it was time for her to move forward with her future.

Even after Monica got off the phone with her friends, her and Evan kept texting. Deciding to get on the facetime, she was nervous but as time went on, she got more comfortable.

They were laughing and joking around. She wasn't trying to get her hopes too high up though. She knew how she was, and look where she's at now. Heartbroken, on a dating app dating around.

After a few hours, they finally got off and she smiled. She called back Kayla and Bre and told them everything.

A few days went by, and Monica and Evan were texting and calling everyday. She was telling him about her new job and how excited she was about everything going on. He was always excited to hear her boast about her job and how much she loved it.

They were really hitting it off and it scared Monica. She's never experienced something like this before, making her think it was too good to be true. She had never been on a date, and Evan asked her where she wanted to go on their current phone call."

"I'm not really sure. You should plan it." She said shrugging.

"Okay what do you like to eat?" Evan asked her.

"Mmm...I really like steak." She told him smiling,

"Got it, steak. I'll take care of everything. Just don't make any plans for the 14th." He told her.

"I won't." She said laughing a little. They talked for a little longer before she had to hang up and get started on her homework.

Monica finished her homework and laid on her back in bed listening to music. She smiled thinking about Evan.

"I could get used to this...." She thought to herself.

To be continued...

Letting yall know now, there will probably be another time skip (: it's about to get juicy soon i promise!

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