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That same night, Monica went over to Kayla's house and told her everything that happened. From seeing him at the basketball court at the church event, and hearing the conversation that went on between him and another church member.

She was still in shock that he was getting a divorce, but everything started to make sense in a way. Maybe that's why he stared at her? Erasing those thoughts from her mind, she looked at Kayla's shocked face after telling her everything.

"It makes sense now...but Monica honestly it's a little strange because you're still 18. He doesn't know of course but IF he does have some sort of attraction to you it's weird. You're not even in the same mindset as him." Kayla said making Monica sigh.

"Yeah but when I turn 19 I'll still be considered grown, and I'll be 19 in 3 weeks so." Monica said flipping her hair. "I'm legal regardless so it doesn't even matter." She said making Kayla laugh.

"True, but you still need to be careful. I know how your mom is, and how everyone would view this IF something were to happen. And I know how you are. You don't need to get yourself too involved Monica." Kayla said turning back serious.

"Yeah yeahhh, I hear you Kayla. I promise I won't get too involved." Monica said, earning a worrisome smile from Kayla. She already knew how things would go down because she knows her best friend too well...

The Next Sunday

Getting ready for church, Monica started to think back on how the whole week she just kept thinking of Emmanuel. She tried to keep herself busy to stop thinking of him, but it was hard.

Trying to avoid thinking of him again, Monica looked at the time and hurriedly walked out of the bathroom after finishing her mascara. Putting on her shoes she grabbed everything she needed, and made her way out the door.

Pulling up to church, she sighed and told herself she'd avoid him at all costs. She wanted to get him out of her mind and just move on with everything. That wouldn't be too hard...right?

Getting out the car, she made her way to the entrance, and to her surprise, he opened the door letting her in.

"What's up Monica?" He said making her heartbeat quicken.

"Hi." She said smiling slightly, making eye contact with him. Walking past him, she quickly found her seat and sat down. She wanted to push everything that just happened to the back of her mind, because she didn't want to be distracted during the word, and that's exactly what she did.

After Church

After conversing and catching up with some of the church members, Monica decided to go ahead and head home. Looking down in her bag for her keys while walking to the door, Monica so happened to look up and guess who was in front of her? Emmanuel. She felt her cheeks start to heat up but kept her cool.

He opened the door and noticed her behind him, and held the door open for her.

"Thank you." She said still standing behind him...they stood like this for a few seconds before realization hit. He didn't know which way she was going so he just stood there holding the door open.

"Which way are you going?" He asked her chuckling a little bit.

"This way." Monica replied and pointed like he could see where she was going. She made note of that, and would for sure replay that over and over in her head, very much embarrassed.

"Okay." He responded chuckling slightly again. She maneuvered around him, and made her way to her car.

"See you later." He called out to her.

"Bye." She said waving and getting into her car. Hurriedly pulling out her phone, she made a voice message telling her friend, Kayla, everything that just happened.

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