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Monica Moore.

A young girl whom was 18, and had dreams....and daddy issues. Just graduating high school, she was going to college with an associates degree in sonography, and a passion for skincare. Monica had a bad habit of trying to find comfort in men, sometimes older men at that. And it made it no better, a man just joined her church was exactly her type.

Brown skin, pretty teeth, tall, and muscular? That's exactly what she wanted.

Turning to her friend she whispered "Girl...he is so fine, I wonder how old he is." She said.

"Girl he is probably twice your age." Her friend replied rolling her eyes. Monica sat to herself thinking how he found their church. She knew she would never talk to him though, she was too quiet. Monica would rarely speak to anyone first, unless spoken to.

As church ended, she was walking and talking with her friend to head out the door. Walking past him, she made eye contact with him, and he gave her a head nod, making her slightly smile and turn away. Just a simple interaction made her really nervous.

She was not prepared for what would occur over the next few months, and boy was she in for a ride.

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