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Monica was currently on her lunch break at Chipotle, picking up her food. She was still upset about Saturday and to make matters worse, yesterday (Sunday), he ignored her again. She was sick of his nonsense and decided that she would completely push him to the back of her mind and try to get over him. He wasn't worth stressing over, and she finally realized that. Grabbing her order off the shelf, she made her way back to her car and tried to start up her car...and it wouldn't start.

"Come on." She mumbled starting to panic while trying to start it up. After a few times of trying she gave up and started to worry about how she'd get back to work. Monica dialed her mom's phone number and placed her hand on her forehead.

"Yes Monica?" Her mom answered the phone.

"Mama my car won't start up." Monica said groaning. "How am I supposed to get back to work? And to work everyday if there something serious going on?"

"Calm down, stressing about it won't fix the problem. Get the insurance paper and call the roadside assistance. I'm sure they can tow your car to a nearby car shop."

"Okay." Monica said opening her glove compartment to find the paper.

"While you do that, I'm going to call Emmanuel. He works close by your job, about 15 minutes away I believe."

"What?" Monica asked, her heart dropping into the pit of her stomach.

"Hurry and call the roadside assistance service. I'll call you back in a minute, let me call Emmanuel." Her mom said before hanging up the phone.

"There's no way this is actually happening right now." She grumbled.

Lord please don't let this man be available to pick me up, please I'm begging you. Monica said praying in her mind. Calling the roadside assistance, she was able to get in touch with someone and the tow truck was currently on the way.

She looked down at her buzzing phone and saw her mom calling back.

"Hello?" Monica answered.

"Girl you're lucky he got off early today. Send me the address of the place you're at so I can text it to him. See if your boss will let you off early today to deal with your car issues. You need to figure out everything going on ASAP." Her mom said.

She internally cringed and threw a mini fit. "Okay mother." She said sighing.

"He'll also be taking you to work if needed for the next few days, so you need to give him some gas money." Her mom also mentioned. "I have to get back to work, text me whatever happens. I love you be safe."

"Okay, love you too." Monica said before hanging up the phone. She banged her hands against the steering wheel and rolled her eyes. She did as her mom told her to which was to send the address.

After sending the address, she called her boss to explain the situation that was going on, and her boss had no issue letting her off. Seeing a familiar white car pull up next to her, she saw Emmanuel in the front seat and mentally rolled her eyes. A few seconds later, the tow truck also pulled up. Grabbing all her stuff and getting out of the car, Emmanuel got out as well and spoke to her. Shocking right?

"What's up Monica." He said hugging her. She hugged him back.

"Hello." She said awkwardly. They both walked up to the man that would be towing her car and talked to him a little bit.

After talking to the man, she stood there awkwardly watching him.

"You can wait in the car, you don't have to stand and wait while holding your stuff." He said looking over at her.

"Okay." She simply responded walking to his car. Getting in on the passengers side, she placed her stuff on the floor and looked out the window waiting for the man to finish getting her car loaded onto the back of the truck. Emmanuel got in shortly after her, making her feel nervous. The radio was playing lowly, and she didn't know how to feel.

She just told herself she would stop worrying about him and giving him energy, but here she is..in the passenger seat of his car because her car wanted to breakdown on her.

The man came over to the car to let them know he was ready to head to the car shop, and gave the address.

They were finally pulling off and headed into the direction of the car shop. With one hand on the wheel, and the other on his chin, Monica kept stealing glances because of how fine he looked while driving. Trying to remove these thoughts from her mind, she pulled out her phone to text everything that was happening to Kayla.

A few minutes later, they finally pulled up to the car shop and got out while the man unloaded her car. She went to the mechanic to explain everything that was going on while Emmanuel made sure everything was good with her car.

Afterwards, she went back to his car to get her stuff. Deciding she didn't want to be in his presence anymore, she decided to tell him he could leave.

"Um, I'll be fine and can uber back home once everything is figured out. You can go ahead and go home." Monica said looking at him, but avoiding eye contact in the process.

"Nah, it's cool. I can wait here." He suggested making her trying to come up with more excuses.

"Umm..what about your kids? You don't have to pick them up?" Monica questioned making Emmanuel chuckle.

"No, their mom is picking them up." He told Monica.

"Well..okay then." She said giving up. He was clearly not leaving and she wasn't about to keep coming up with excuses so she decided to leave it be.

To be continued..

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