Chapter 23

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"I love you too hyung. We have to meet up before the week ends. I have to hear more about your girlfriend."

"She's not my girlfriend." Jimin blushed.

"Sure sure." Jisung laughed.

He made Jimin laugh too, and he felt accomplished.

The brothers talked a while and Jisung had to hang up saying their father was awake.

Jimin bid him goodbye and went downstairs to find his friends eating leftover pizza.

He joined them with a small smile.

Sadly, Hea had to leave after breakfast, but she promised to pick him up for school tomorrow.

Hea hugged Jimin outside on the porch when it was them alone.

"Remember what I told you okay? Call me if you need anything."

Jimin nodded, still not wanting to leave her embrace.

He buried himself more into her shoulder making her chuckle.

"Baby Boy, I gotta go now."

Still nothing. Jimin was latched onto her like a koala.

'When did he get so open?' She thought.

"Mmmm. Do you want Casper to stay here with you for the while?"

"Yeah..." He spoke, muffled.

Seeing that he wasn't gonna let go for now, Hea walked towards the chair and sat down with him still hugging her.

They stayed like that until Jimin was ready to let go. Hea didn't mind reaching her destination a bit late.

"You will come tomorrow?"

"Jiminie. I made a promise to pick up and bring you home back from school. I would never break it."

"Okay." He nodded, a bit of pink on his cheeks.

It made him look more adorable as if him in pajamas and messy hair wasn't enough.

He was the perfect mix of hot and cute, Hea thought.

"Bye Hea." He waved her off.

"See ya tomorrow Baby Boy." She winked.

When the girl was gone, Jimin went inside to Casper.

"It's me and you for now buddy. Well with the rest of boys of course. Hea will be back soon."

Casper seemed to understand what he said and jumped on him. The two watched television while Jin cooked lunch.


A black Lamborghini pulled up in front of the building.

The girl threw her car keys to the panicked man as she closed her car door.

Her aura no longer gave off troublemaker but it screamed boss.

Her makeup and clothing style, different from her usual, made her look more mature than how she was at school.

If the students at school thought she was scary then, they should see her now.

Her heels clicked and everyone made way for her.

She went to the receptionist and the woman bowed full 90 degrees.

"I want you to make no records of this visit," then she raised her voice louder for all of the employees to hear, "If I hear rumors of my visit here from anyone outside, I will make sure that gossiper is dealt with... Properly."

"Understand?" She asked, in her firm tone and everyone nodded.

They knew of her father, but the daughter visiting the company is very rare.

She had a temper, twice as harsh as her father and no one would want to get into her way.

"Follow me, Ma'am."

The receptionist took her to a room on the officials' floor, gave her the key and left.

The girl opened the door and walked in.

She definitely scrunched up her face in disgust as she looked around.

A picture of a smiling child with her smiling parents laid on the wall.

But it was cracked.

The glass of the frame had cracks, no doubt caused by someone's fist.

She tsked as she walked up to it.

"Ah." She sighed and removed her dark tinted glasses.

"You young and innocent Hea. Where did you go?"

She stared at the smiling girl, in the broken picture frame.

Despite the cracks, you could still make out the faces of the people. And the memories rushed in of that happy day.

She chuckled darkly.

Her heels clicked as she walked towards the desk.

"Fool." Was all she muttered before opening the computer.

"Still using the same password. How stupid can you be huh?"

She typed away and search the employees file looking for that one particular person.

"Gotcha." She clicked her tongue reading the name.

Park Jiwon.

The girl chuckled as she read through the file carefully.

"Interesting." She raised her brow.

Her plan was made. With this new found information, she promised herself to wreck havoc.

To get revenge and to destroy.


Because no one messes with Park Jimin under her watch.

She smirked as she slammed the computer down after transferring some files to her phone.

"Hm. I guess my sperm donor is good for something." She shrugged and walked out, leaving no trace of her visit.

Just as she came, she left.

The employees made sure to keep their mouths shut.

They knew better than to get on The Kang Hea's bad side.

My Innocent Baby BoyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon