V 1.5 E1: More Ponies?!

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General POV

(These Volume 1.5 things will be smushed in between full volumes and be where all the Gamer Missions take place from now on as to not subtract from the RWBY parts like how the Kancolle bits did, it'll also be like a reentry into storymaking mode for this specific book)

It had been 6 Months since the incident at the docks and it was currently midterm break; Andy, Alex, Artemis, Amelia, Ruby, and Yang were back in the Xiao-Long/Rose household for the break,, with everyone else staying at Beacon, understandably both Ruby and Yang were grounded by Tai for the whole incident, Alex was excused because he technically didn't do anything, Andy because he had been roped in essentially last minute, Amelia wasn't involved, and Artemis got off the hook because....well she was batshit insane.

Andy and Ruby finished the Kancolle mission a few weeks into the break with Alex tagging along because he wanted to(Yours to do Alex). Currently Andy was still split in between what special skill he was gonna get, Alex already chose his an endgame ability that would allow him to launch dozens of W19 Katies into the air and kill everyone in range. Andy had 2 options, one was Lucky E which increased his airstrikes and gave him better chances of critical hits, the other was Never Forget the Name: Enterprise which would summon every single Enterprise after CV-6 when his health dropped below 5% and allow him to keep one hull everytime he activated it, however his mind couldn't handle the mental strain of all 15 ships operating at the same time for too long. If he chose the second option he would also be given an Enterprise of his choosing which he could use to get used to having multiple hulls

Andy: "Choices choices...." he said.

Enterprise: 'Give it a rest Andy.' she said, 'You can decide later.'

JARVIS: "Ms. Enterprise is right sir, there is no timer to make you rush your decision." he added.

Andy: "I know you 2." he sighed, closing his gamer board, "Still, I'd rather have it done now rather than later so I can master whichever one I pick."

JARVIS: "Can't argue with that," he said, "but from what my scans indicate you need a proper rest period."

Andy: "I'll work on it." he sighed.

Andy got up and walked into the guest room he was staying in, Alex had managed to sneakily park up in Yang's room so Andy was able to sleep on his own, which he was thankful for as recently Enty had been getting very vivid nightmares from her time in World War 2 and as a result Andy was too, this lead to Andy never getting a full 9 Hours.

Andy: "I'm gonna get some sleep, JARVIS turn everything that makes me sleep faster up to 11." he ordered.

JARVIS: "You got it sir." he replied.

The sounds of rain, a cool breeze, and some sleeping pills made the 15 year old's system power off for a rest as the scene cut away to the familiar magical land of Equestria and- ok, it's all going to war, great. Some self-proclaimed king with a fleet of airships decided to be a dick and attacked the Capital of the somewhat sickeningly Peaceful Country, his right-hand...pony in this case, Tempest, a Unicorn with a broken horn, lead the first wave to take the citizens by surprise and set up a foothold in the Pony Territory, her grunts were massive....yetis? I suppose, started demolishing and taking prisoners.

Celestia: "Twilight! Summon the humans from before!" she ordered, her star pupil nodding and getting to work, "They can help, Luna; I need you to go inform the Queen of the Hippo-!"

Before she could finish her sentence Tempest threw an orb containing some kind of dark crystal which, upon impact, froze the Princess in place, Luna in reaction starts flying to begin her journey while Twilight finished the rune to summon Andy and powered it up, only to see Tempest land a hit on the flying Luna and seeing as the crystal seemed fragile she caught it.

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