V1 E1: Hey Ruby

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General POV

The day after our heroes manifested in this world they walk through the woods looking for a way into civilization. Luckily for them, just outside the woods was a road.

Andy examined the foot prints to see which direction was more heavily trafficked or used with heavier cargo.

Andy: "Ok....if this road is anything to go by, we should be expecting something down either way....but it seems more people are going this way than that way." he said, gesturing to his right and left respectively, "So if we go down our left I think we'll have better chances."

Alex: "Alright, let's move then." he said.

The team nodded before getting up and starting the hike. Now, the team's travel was pretty normal so I'll cut away from them and go down the road a few miles.

On the Island of Patch a little girl that screamed Little Red Riding Hood was talking to the grave of her mother.

Ruby: "Hey listen Mom! Yang graduated from Signal Academy and got accepted to Beacon Academy! Isn't great? She always said she wanted to be a Huntress, and it's really happening! Which is a little frustrating, too." she pauses as her tone changes slightly, "Of course I'm happy for her, but I want to be a Huntress too and my grades at Signal aren't good."

The grave made no sound nor did it make any sign that anyone was around but Ruby continued.

Ruby: "What can I do to be more like her? Anyway, when it comes to handling weapons, I know I'm good as anyone else. I just gotta work harder!" she said, bringing her weapon out, "Someday I'll fight to protect people from Grimm just like you did, Mom!"

Ruby puts away Crescent Rose for a while she continues to smile sadly at her mother's grave.

Suddenly Ruby hears the sound of Bumblebee, a bright yellow motorcycle painted in the colors of the aforementioned insect.

Yang parks Bumblebee and gets off before taking off her sunglasses and helmet and approaching her lil sis.

Ruby: "Oh? Yang!" she yells, before racing over and hugging her older sister.

Yang: "What were you talking to Mom about?" she asked, smiling kindly.

Ruby: "Oh, just telling her about how you got accepted into Beacon." she replied, "I'm so happy for you!"

Yang: "That so?" she asked, "Thanks."

Yang turned to the gravestone and gave a small wink.

Ruby: "Hey, I'm going into Vale, can you give me a ride?" she asked.

Yang: "Sure lil sis." she said, "Just remember our curfew is at 7:00."

Ruby: "I will." she said, following Yang onto her bike.

The duo then rode across a bridge and into the city.

Meanwhile our other team of protagonists had finally made it to the city at the end of the road.

Andy: "Welcome to Vale." he read, "Now where have I heard that name before?"

Alex: "Hehe, well, we've got the basics of this world in our heads," he chuckled, "alright team, let's look for a hotel."

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