V1 E2: Beacon, here we are

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General POV

It'd been half a week since Andy and Alex arrived in Remnant, the Xiao Long's had allowed the group to stay near their house on Patch Island so that's where they stayed.. Enterprise sat idle and at anchor shining in the sunlight near the cliff with Summer Rose's gravestone, Toothless was sunbathing on the Flight Deck while Andy was trying to ride an SBD.

Andy: "Woah! Ok....HOLY- Ok, ok....I think I got it." he said as his plane stumbled and rolled through the sky unevenly.....shortly after he crashed, "....I didn't get it..."

Roy: "Will ye keep yur noise down?" she asked (I do not know how to put a Scottish accent into writing), "Some o' us a' tryin' tu slee'."

Andy: "Sorry Roy." he apologized, "Where's Alex gone?"

Roy: "Whe' else? He be doin' anothe' one of those dungeons." she replied.

Andy: "Of course." he said, "Should be back.....now."

On cue Alex popped up beside Andy now in Modern Combat Armor.

Alex: "Sup guys." he greeted.

Andy: "Sup Alex." he greeted.

Roy: "Mornin' hun." she greeted, "What is wit' yur new contraption?"

Andy looked over his friend and noted that he had his riggings out.

Andy: "Oh nice, you got Missouri to unlock." he said.

Alex: "Hell yeah." he said, "Mighty Mo's probably geeking out about meeting the Lucky E again, so I'll just place him.....here."

His riggings dispersed into blue cubes before forming the third Iowa Class Battleship next to the Yorktown Class Carrier......of course the Mighty Mo was in its 80's configuration because of course it was.

Then Alex noticed the wrecked SBD that was quickly regenerating on Andy's ship.

Alex: "Still trying to ride your plane huh?" he asked.

Andy: "Yeah." he sighed, "Gotta be prepared, you know what initiation is."

Alex: "I do." he said, "Now, you said once you wanted to tour the Missouri."

Andy: "Yeah, I'll have a look around and I'll leave you to explain what the Mighty Mo is to Roy." he said.

Before Alex could say anything in protest Andy jumped onto the Battleship's deck and started looking around.

Enterprise: "Hehe, I remember seeing her the first time in New York." she said, "Ah good times."

Missouri: "It was an honor to meet you too Lucky E." she butted in.

Andy: "Why are both of you in my head?!" he demanded, "Shouldn't you be in Alex's head Missouri?"

Missouri: "No, only a kansen can talk to ships like me and Enterprise, and just because Alex has the powers of a kansen doesn't mean he is one." she said, "A true kansen has their heart replaced with the wisdom cube of their ship, since you are the only pureblood kansen here."

Andy: "I'm the only one who can talk to you guys." he finished.

Enterprise: "Ding ding ding! We have a winner!" she said.

Andy chuckled as he stopped by the surrender deck before walking down the Iowa's length.

Missouri: "Gah! A dragon's on my helicopter deck!" she yelped.

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