V 1 E14: Jaunedice pt 2

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General POV

It was a bright, sunny, Saturday Morning in Vale; Andy and Eris were out shopping for Camping Supplies to be used in the trip to Forever Fall next week.

From what Andy was told, the budget was based on the Team's collective grades in class, thus he and Eris had a lot of cash to burn.

Eris: "Ok, is that everything?" she asked.

Andy: "We need some hiking boots and some water pouches." he replied, checking the list.

Eris: "I saw some of those in a stall down the street!" she recalled, "Come on Andy!"

Eris dragged Andy along as she had been for hours now. Andy chuckled at his partner's sudden burst of energy.

Andy: "Someone likes this stuff." he commented.

Eris: "W-well...it's something I always loved to do back in Atlas whenever my parents needed new equipment." she said, "What makes it even more fun here is that all these things are so colorful and unique, unlike the drab grays and whites of Atlas."

Andy: "Seeing something new is very refreshing most of the time." he chuckled, before noting that Eris deflated at the mention of her parents, "Hey...you wanna talk about...you know what?"

Eris: "N-no, it's still too painful." she said.

Andy: "I respect that." he nodded, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder, "Just take your time."

Eris hummed her thanks as they made their way through the crowd, as they did Andy ran into Jaune and Blake.

Blake: "Andy! Just the guy I needed to see, I need your help." she said, grabbing Andy's hand and dragging him off.

Andy: "WHOA!!" he yelped, "Wait, Eris! Catch!"

Andy threw the tent, the hiking sticks, and jars at Eris.

Andy: "Finish the shopping! I may not be able to get outta this!" he called.

Eris: "You got it flagship!" she yelled back.

Andy's eyes glowed blue again as his memory tried to trigger only to fizzle out once again.

Jaune: "Um...why do you need Andy?" he asked.

Blake: "You wanted a clean heist, he's needed for a good heist." she replied.

Andy: "Heist?! On what?!" he demanded.

Later Andy and Blake were sneaking through the vents in Beacon in all black, burglar's clothing.

Andy: "Are you gonna tell me what the heck we're doing now?" he demanded.

Blake: "Getting some dirt on Cardin." she replied, "We're gonna grab his transcripts and swap em out for these."

Blake held up a piece of paper, a fake transcript.

Andy: "This is insane." he muttered after a beat of silence.

Blake remained silent as the duo shuffled through the vents.

Andy: "What am I even needed for?" he questioned.

Blake: "You'll be cover." she replied, "Distract guards or teachers from me while I get the transcripts."

Andy: "....fair enough." he relented.

The duo continued through the vents.

Blake: "That and, you have the map to the school's vents." she added.

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