V1 E6: Community Service

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General POV


It'd been 2 days since Alex had disappeared off the face of Remnant and headed to a dungeon, but for Andy and Ruby that felt like 2 months.

They had been treated as freaks of nature for their magic and were shunned by everyone but each other, their teams, Team CFVY, the Professors, and Team JNPR. For safety measures no news of their magic was leaked via social media and the duo weren't able to use it out of school grounds.

Currently Andy was practicing his magic in the courtyard with a few members of CFVY watching to make sure he didn't get hurt when a certain team started throwing things at him.

Cardin: "HEY FREAK!! CATCH THIS!!!" he yelled.

Sky: "Yeah! Eat rock!" he shouted next.

Dove: "GET OFF OUR CAMPUS SORCERER!!" he yelled next.

Fox: "You're filming this?" he asked, hearing Coco's Scroll open.

Coco: "Yup! Can't miss this for anything." she said.

Team CRDL all threw some rocks at Andy who caught them without a problem and proceeded to lift a chunk of the cliff that was roughly 4 times his Carrier's weight.

Enterprise: "Show 'em kid." she said.

Andy: "My turn." he said.

CRDL: "Oh..." they all said.

Random Student: "TOLD YA THAT WAS A BAD IDEA!!" he yelled.

CRDL proceeded to get buried under boulders, trees, pebbles, and other loose debris. With Coco laughing uncontrollably in the background as Andy sighed once that was done.

Andy: "Can I go visit Team RWBY in Vale?" he asked.

Coco: "Sure, we'll keep ya outta trouble Lucky E." she reassured, "Don't worry."

Yatsuhashi: "Just be back in time for curfew." he stated.

Andy nodded his thanks and jumped off the cliff, summoning an F4F and riding it to the City.

Coco: "So, who else is betting on when Ruby and Andy get together?" she asked.

Fox: "I have placed a bet in." he said.

Yatsuhashi: "Coco, don't pressure them together, I know you will try that." he sighed.

Coco: "What? I'd never..." she said, an unconvinced look from Yatsuhashi made her correct herself, "well not too much."

Fox: "We're just gonna set those 2 up for a date with each other." he reassured, "Nothing too crazy."

The tank of Team CFVY sighed at this.

Yatsuhashi: "You 2 are gonna get in trouble." he stated, walking away.

Meanwhile, Andy was racing over the Valean Skyline, children, young teens, even some parents looked up as the piston fighter roared overhead, some taking photos and videos of the plane roaring overhead. Of course, this was concerning but since Andy and Alex were under Beacon Academy and since they could defend themselves, he shook the thoughts out of his head.

Andy: 'Maybe this Ironwood's a less paranoid guy.' he thought to himself, 'Maybe he'll be fine with us.....ugh...probably not.'

As the F4F roared through the sky a few Atlas Soldiers reported in as the Fleet raced in from the North, ETA that day.

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