Future V9 chapter

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General POV

In Vacuo, Andy was sulking, it had been a week since the evacuation of Atlas, in Andy's mind the scene of Ruby and Blake falling into the void replayed over and over.

Starfleet had established a presence on Remnant after helping battle the massive whale with a pair of California Class Frigates and a Miranda Class Light Cruiser. Said starships flanked the Enterprise-A in the sky above Vacuo in front of the Atlesian Flagship.

As he continued sulking Andy felt a familiar firm hand on his shoulder, looking to see Winter standing over him comfortingly.

Winter: "How're you holding up Andy?" she asked.

Andy: "Horribly." he replied, "I-I could've saved her! I could've tried to save Weiss....but I couldn't..."

Ren: "We don't blame you." he said, walking into view.

Roman Torchwick (who becomes Ozpin in Fixing RWBY): "Yeah, you were among the only people to stand even the slightest chance against that bitch." he added.

Neo nodded.

Neo Politan: (I don't blame you for not saving Yang either.) she signed.

Eris: "You're our fearless leader!" she yelled, "If anyone can help them, it's you."

Andy: "Thanks guys...but I need to find a way to get it out of my conscience..." he said.

Nora, Ren, Roman, Neo, and Winter sat around him.

Nora: "Maybe you can break through time?" she suggested.

Andy: "Even I'm not that fast." he sighed, "Besides, we're in Vacuo, what good would time traveling do?"

Ren: "He has a point..." he stated.

Roman: "Hm....you have any way to go through to another dimension?" he asked.

Andy: "Hm..." he hummed.

USS California Captain: "No way!" she yelled, "That is reckless as fuck and could lead you stranded in the middle of nowhere!"

Neo Politan: (Where did you come from?) she signed.

USS Missouri (NCC-1800) Captain: "The mess hall." he replied, "We overheard everything, and we understand wanting to bring your loved ones back but...well, your ship is over 200 years old, it may not survive those speeds."

USS Solvang Captain: "We can ask for someone like Enterprise-G or Enterprise-F to go for you though." she offered.

Andy: "No....I can do it!" he said.

USS Missouri Captain: "We know you believe you can kid." he said, putting a hand on Andy's shoulder, "But it's best to let the new kids do the work sometimes."

Missouri's captain walks away to get a transmission out, followed by his piers. As they did, Nora jumped up.

Nora: "We're not gonna let those jerks just do that are we?" she demanded.

Roman Torchwick: "Hell no we're not!" he yelled.

Andy: "Not we." he said, standing up.

Everyone turned to Andy.

Andy: "Me, these people need you guys, more than me, I can get away with leaving, you guys cannot." he clarified.

Ren: "That's crazy talk." he said, "You need backup."

Andy: "Everyone has to stay here to help the Atlesians, only one of us needs to leave." he insisted, "And seeing as I'm the starship here, I'm the only one who can go."

Finally relenting, Roman was first to speak up.

Roman Torchwick: "Best of luck boat boy." he said, "Let the winds be at your backs and let luck be on your side."

Andy: "Was that Oz talking?" he asked.

Roman Torchwick: "Nope, now go!" he said, shoving him forward.

Andy nodded and beamed himself up.

Nora: "Well what the hell do we do?" she asked.

Roman Torchwick: "We stall these bastards." he said, breaking out some tools.

His trio of escorts were busy doing other things when suddenly a lookout spotted Enterprise-A jumpstart and run away, not noticing the shuttle making its way into the Missouri's hangar and the flashes coming from the duo of California's.

USS Missouri: "Shit! The bastard's giving us the slip!" he realized.

USS Solvang Captain: "BEAM US UP!!" she ordered over comms.

Energy started building around the crews of the respective ships before it fizzled out just as fast.

USS California Captain: "Um...what happened?" she asked.

Transporter Crew: "Someone's sabotaged the transporter!" they called in their respective captain's ears.

In the background the shuttle raced away with Roman, Neo, and the remaining members of JNPR and ARAE inside.

Enterprise used full Impulse to race away and out of atmosphere, once out in space the Constitution Class Refit raced away at Warp 3.

An hour or 2 later it arrived at a Black Hole which would give him the momentum to do what he was intending to do.

Andy: "Ok...Enterprise?" he called.

CV-6: "You're stupid Andy." she said.

NCC-1701-A: "Hey hey, no need for such language....she is right though." she added.

Andy: "I just wanted to make sure you're looking out for my ass." he replied.

Andy charged up his Warp Drive once again and roared into the event horizon and orbiting around, speeding up faster and faster, his deflector disk brightening and his hulls slowly beginning to glow orange. It raced faster than even the Protostar had gone before, passing Warp 10 the starship slingshot out of the event horizon and broke through an unknown barrier.

In the Ever After a knight and a battleship were keeping a little town full of people made of paper safe from daily dangers with the occasional clash with what was known as the Jabberwalker. As they finished the day and looked up they saw the signature trail of a Starship at warp falling toward the planet.

Rusty Knight: "Andy?" he questioned.

Rusty Battleship: "It can't be..." he added.

Andy crashed into the ocean with a massive splash, his deflector disk cracked and burnt out and his warp nacelles overheating.

Andy: "Ow...." he groaned.

CV-6: "That...hurt...." she whimpered, "but I think you've done it..."

NCC-1701-A: "She's right, I can't pick up any Starfleet, Klingon, Romulan, or other starships for that matter." she said.

Andy: "Alright...let's see if we got this right..." he said.

Enterprise-A slowly lifted out of the water similar in fashion to the JJ-Prise rising out of Saturn's rings in the 2009 movie. Looking out of the view screen, Andy nodded.

Andy: "We're here." he said.

Outside was the Ever-After, and somewhere in that dense forest was Team RWBY and Jaune. Cut to black.

A/N: This is mostly how it'll go, but it'll go through a few changes, regularly scheduled chapter shall come in a few hours, just give me a bit.

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