V1 E9: Dueling

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General POV

Team RWBY, JNPR, and ARAE were in the cafeteria having lunch but Andy had broken off to see where Alex had gone off to. Andy finally found Alex in the new shipyard he had made as the American welded a bit of steel together, behind him was a small ship with a flight deck on the slipway. 

Alex: "Hey Andy!" he greeted, "I'll be down in a bit, just gimme a moment!"

Andy nodded and waited patiently, watching as Alex lowered a turret into place on the little ship before jumping down to him.

Alex: "So, what did you need help with?" he asked. 

Andy: "Nothing much, I'm just here to check on you and see what you're doing." he said, "So....what're you building?" 

Alex: "It's a hybrid between an Allen M Summer Class Destroyer and a Yorktown Class Carrier, armed with a 12 inch rifle, 3 twin 5 inch rifles, and twin 5 inchers at the edge of the flight deck." he said, as he listed off the new ship's specs. 

He went on for a good 5 minutes and when he finally stopped Andy was gobsmacked but not particularly surprised. 

Andy: "Well, considering it's you, I'm not surprised." he chuckled, "So, what're ya naming this beauty?"

Alex: "Hm.....USS Black Wolf, DV-01." he said. 

Andy chuckled a little, remembering the little Destroyer from MJTM 2.

Andy: "Alright man, I'm gonna go join Rubes in the cafeteria." he said, walking off, "Wanna join me?" 

Alex: "Thanks, but go join your girl kweebs, just try to avoid Yang, she's still livid about the fact Amelia's around." he said. 

Andy turned pale before nodding and leaving to join RWBY and JNPR in the cafeteria. In said cafeteria Yang glared at Andy as he sat next to Ruby and Amelia. 

Ruby: "Hey Lucky A." she greeted, her head resting on Andy's shoulder.

Amelia: "Hi dad." she greeted, hugging Andy.

Andy: "Hey Rubes, hi sweetie." he greeted, nuzzling both of them. 

Yang growled angrily at their closeness. 

Ruby: "So, you wanna help me study for the history exam tomorrow?" she asked. 

Andy: "Sure." he replied. 

Amelia: "I thought the exam was moved to next week." she mused.

Andy: "Don't be silly, Professor Oobleck doesn't move exams, if anything he'll move on with whatever it is without flinching regardless of what it was that was gonna try to delay the exam." he stated, hiding the fact Ruby was suggestively putting a hand on his crotch. 

Finally Alex walked in with an unknown figure by his side. 

Jaune: "Hey Alex." he greeted, "Who's she?" 

Before he could answer Crescent Rose was suddenly trained on the unknown's neck.

Andy: "Woah there Rubes! Easy!" he yelled. 

Alex: "Ruby, the hell are ya doing?!" he exclaimed. 

Ruby: "It's my job, as a reaper it is my duty to hunt down all souls, she is part soul." she said, nudging her blade closer, "But...why's she with you?" 

Alex: "Well.......there's a simple answer.....this is my other personality....Alexa Rachel Orr." he said.

A collective 'EH?!' resounded through the table as they tried to all ask questions at the same time. Tired of this Alex aimed his pistol up and fired 3 shots startling everyone...even though everyone wielded grenade launchers, shotguns, and a sniper on the normal. 

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