could it be him?

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She left the room as I stare into the void, what if it's true? from all these years of pain and rejection she never ever talked about what she did to our family! the day when all the girls accepted their erroneous was 2 years ago, the day after their funeral.

but after that, they never talked about it, they always tried their best to make us understand that we were not right this time

I can't believe myself, I never did any research or anything to know if it's right or not! I never tried to listen to them


I can't entirely trust them, I can't! I need to think ah think seok jin think! what should I do? if they were never wrong from the start-

I will kill myself

Yes, let's check it again. I said and hurriedly open the door and started going to the basement office where we collected all the proofs, I don't know what I am doing right now but somewhere deep down those words that came out of jisoo's mouth seem to affect me a lot.

I quickly opened the office taking all the pins and chips including pen drives then took the files placing everything on the table now thinking what I should check first.


dad's postmortem report, why Is it here? oh yeah Min yun uncle gave me this and told me to check it because he didn't got the time. but I never checked it, I wasn't in a good condition to check anything I was filled with venom and hatred towards my wife.

I opened the file and started to examine it carefully.

Taehyung's POV

Jia was extremely silent as me and jennie sat there in silence, the doctor told us that he must be under observation for the next 24 hours, Thank god that the employees took him at the correct time or else the poison must have reached everywhere and there will be no hope of him alive.

"who did this to dad?" asked Jia more to herself both me and jennie looked at each other not knowing what to say but sure she was now overwhelmed with all kind of emotions and I could never help her from those pain, which hurt me.

"we can search about that Jia, I promise we will catch him and he will definitely pay for his sins" jennie said with the same anger that Jia had but with a lot calmer voice. who could it be? "we can have some lunch, come on everyone"

yoongi hyung said while carrying some packages of food and dropping it on the coffee table. "I don't want anything" Jia said as I sighed. I know it must be hard for her to gulp down the food when her one and only family is fighting for his life just opposite of her.

but she will get sick, she didn't ate anything in the last 2 days, not even a bit of sleep. "that's not going to happen jia, you are going to eat and that's final" Jia looked at me with a glare and then looked back at the floor clearly telling me to not bother.

I can't let her starve and make her sick, "you can choose, whether you want to stay here and eat these food or I will take you back home" her head snapped towards me. "You won't do that"

she said, frustration clear in her voice. "I can if you don't start eating now" both yoongi hyung and jennie didn't came in between which I am grateful for, as they know someone has to make her eat.

"NO YOU CAN'T AND I WON'T EAT" that's it, I stood up and goes towards her grabbing her arms harshly but not enough to hurt her, and took my wallet her eyes widen in disbelief 

ok now did she thought I was just making some idle threats?

"no NO NO I can't, ok ok I will eat, I will eat, stop" she said as I was dragging her to the exit way but as soon as she said she will eat, I glared at her and made her sit on the couch and pointed at the food. she huffed and took the food eating it slowly as tears made the way through her cheeks.

I sighed and sat beside her. "do you think your dad will be happy to see you starving because of him jia?" she shook her head softly as I gently wiped her tears. "then eat it okay? everything will be alright" she nodded and sniffed while continued to eat the food.

Yoongi POV

she began to eat, taehyung seems a lot softer and calm about her, is he perhaps in love or just being nice? whatever it is I can't let him go through that path.

but Jia won't be like others right?

but I am still scared deep down, I can't let him go though those pain that I go through. well, I will talk to him about this when these situations and Min yun uncle health gets better.

Huan Bin POV

"WHAT? HE IS NOT DEAD?" argh, who the hell saved him! I make sure there are no employees near his office then who? whatever it is I can't let him live! he knows that I killed yejun and also the one who tried to kill him. 

this news better not get to the kim boys. They believe Min Yun. I should have left after seeing that bastard's death, what should I do now? 

I took my phone and called My personal bodyguard.

"Lee, I want him dead, I'll give you 24 hours but if you failed no one will be worse than me but if you succeed You are gonna get your pocket filled" I heard him laugh through another line I trust him and he is a very good fighter just a punch from him min yun will be in heaven. 

"count on me sir, be prepared to hear about his death" I smirked and sighed In relief, I won't let anyone ruin my hard work of years! 

Jin's POV

The postmortem report seems very suspicious, it says he is not only injured from his accident but there were a lot of cuts of knives and even got bullets from his body. "How's that possible?" they planned the accident, right? then who tortured him like this?

My eyes shined with tears reading more depth to the report, it was cruel and it almost made me vomit. "the girls were home when the accident took place!" 

"Did they hire someone to do this then?" no that's not it

they just wanted him dead for the properties they don't have any kind of anger to torture him this way, someone with so much hatred did this purposely. I wipe the tear that left my cheeks. 

does mom know? what If it's our stepdad! NOOOOOO

it's not, argh I am overthinking it, let's meet mom first and check if she can give me any clues or if she also have any doubt toward her second husband. I took the report and hurried to see mom.

could it be really him?

99% of me don't want to believe that, but if it's not him then who? It's too late to search about this but I can't sit with peace after reading this report whoever did this to dad will pay with their life in the exact way how they killed my dad.

even if it's my wife. 


heylloooooooooooooooo hereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

leaving you there....

see you soon.

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