Kim Jia

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"TELL ME DID YOU TOOK THE LAPTOP?" namjoon growled in anger, as everyone in the kitchen flinched in fear expecting a blast at any moment she again shook her head thinking he might kill her if she uttered the truth.

he inhaled and closed his eyes for a second making her tremble under his intense gaze "you won't say anything if I ask you nicely right?" he asked grabbing her wrist in a tight grip and making her hiss but he cared less and dragged her to their bedroom.

every girls gasped and followed them along, "namjoon, please leave her" shouted jisoo not wanting her child to experience any pain anymore but namjoon didn't seem to buy anything now, he was blinded by his own anger and ego. he was going to close the door of his bedroom but a hand stopped him to do so-

 "Jia, move your hand away," said namjoon in his scariest voice, all the girls shudder at his voice but jia looks at him, not even looking away from his intense gaze but looking directly into his eyes with her firm eyes.

namjoon tried to close the door by pushing her hand using the door but surprisingly she was more strong than he could imagine, a girl to be that stronger? he didn't think that- he angrily left the door and came out of the room now standing in front of jia with his coldest look.

his eyes shouted 'what do you want and jia said-

"Oppa, I know that it's between your matter and I am no one to peek in your business and I respect it, but hurting someone physically even though there is a reason is not fair and never legal it's a nefarious action especially when it is towards your wife, ah not only that, but significantly when it's towards a girl it's never acceptable"

 exclaimed jia with her tremendous expression which was screaming that she don't care if she was being disrespectful or not she just stated the facts. after all where she is wrong? nah she is wrong because it's Kim's mansion and the rules here are not from the outside but it was created from the inside and whoever living in the mansion should obey it no matter what-

everyone was astonished by Jia's way of speaking, they didn't think she was that fearless she never stuttered nor she looked away from the heating glare that namjoon was shooting from time to time, the girls were proud that they have someone to talk to behalf of them but at the same time they were worried about jia, because she is breaking the rules by going against one of the eldest one in the mansion and talking back to him is a big NO

all of them want to stop jia but at the same time they want her to fight for jihyo or else it will be hell for her today. 

namjoon's eyes darkened even more hearing to Jia's words moreover he knows she was right in all means but that's not something appreciable in the Kim house hold. "whatever you are saying is absolutely fair and right but not here Kim Jia! you have the freaking audacity to confront me? and you are right, that you have NO right in coming between our matters and you also have no place to tell me what to do with my wife, get that inside your small brain cells."

he spit out harshly and not even a bit of it affected Jia, she crossed her arms now staring at Namjoon with her sharp gaze and stated.

"aren't you feeling ashamed of yourself? taking out your anger and frustrations on your own wife and call it as a punishment? just because they are not going against you doesn't means you have all the rights on them namjoon! and no matter whatever happens here I am not letting you punish or more clearly, I WON'T let YOU abuse MY EONNIE!"

shouted the Last words by Jia making everyone get nervous by each passing seconds, none of them expect Namjoon want her to get in trouble with anyone of them and hear her screams overnight!

"I am not taking out any anger here. she did a mistake and I am punishing her that's what happens here Jia, this is not a law school for you to explain all that shits! so stop your drama and go and sleep and by the time you wake up we will be done and everyone here EXPECT you knows that it is the better idea for both YOU and me" he said with a creepy smile and in a formal professional voice showing out his sarcastic self.

"well, I know it's not a law school but what should I do if a man who is an adult don't even know the basic stuffs in the world" she spoke with the same sarcasm and our namjoon didn't liked it at all, he clenched his jaw tightly.

"j-jia, its o-okay I w-will m-manage" said jihyo with her teary face with a sad smile and that just Angered Jia more. Jia grabbed jihyo's shoulder and made her face namjoon and said-

"look how pathetic your wife look KIM namjoon! and who is the reason? well I don't want an answer because I know guys like you will proudly say 'yes' she loves you so deeply to an extend that she is ready to get beaten up and still live like nothing ever happened EVERY ONE HERE IS GOING THROUGH THAT BECAUSE OF YOURS AND YOUR LOVELY BROTHERS STUPID REVENGE!!  just mind one thing tall guy, If I, Kim Jia is alive then no one will dare to touch my eonnies"

Jia was shouting a lot but suddenly she felt a stinging pain on her left cheek and that's when she realized he had slapped her so hard that she could taste the blood in her mouth, she looked at him with her blood shot eyes, her hand on her cheeks. "fucking bastard" murmured Jia well, loud enough for everyone to hear-

again few gasps left and this time Jia saw Namjoon again raising his hands towards her but before his hand touched her skin, she had held his hand with a tight grip that even namjoon couldn't come out of!

she pushed his hands off and suddenly everyone expect Jia had their eyes out from their socket and jaws on the flood. 

the scene was absolutely terrible with Namjoon on the floor with a bleeding nose and jia breathing heavily! she can take anything but she hates when someone hurt her physically she hated it to the core! as she is an amazing Kung fu fighter and is really good at boxing too, she is a girl who got trained in a way that she knows how to stand up for herself.


suddenly a loud roar was heard making everyone flinch again well Jia just rolled her eyes and motioned Jihyo to move to other girls in a serious way which made jihyo no room for argument.


Taehyung roared and stormed toward Jia and suddenly held her jaw so tightly and hit Her back on the wall pinning her on it with his hand Still holding jia's jaw tightly.

she whimpered in pain not only because it hurts but because she let him hurt her. she got a pride. she tried pushing him but of no vail

his eyes looked so red and she could see his veins popping out.


 she scoffed and said 


"YN?" everyone turned to the other side to find the owner of the terrified sound.

yes very very lateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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