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Author POV

"WHAT!" Jia shouted hearing what Taehyung said, her eyes welled up in hot tears as it freely fall down from her eyes, she couldn't believe what she just heard right now. Taehyung didn't know why he felt his heart ripping apart when he saw those tears.

IN Huan's Mansion [ he is the step dad of the 7 son, if you don't remember it then go and read (pure hate chapter) ]

Kim Huan POV

they are having a kind of change? what is happening? I can't let them be soft, what if they then believe all of there whore wife? then everything will get destroyed it's all because of that Jia, I made her marry  to taehyung so That I can have a back up plan and use her as my card to get those documents, but look who back fired! I told Minyun [ Jia's dad] to tell about my plan but what he did? he back off saying he can't!

now look how they are behaving, I need to make her weak somehow, and make her also feel alone, so that she won't show her little braveness. I told Minyun that if he failed to obey me, then the punishment will be his death, but he really wish to be with his wife in the heaven, let me then fulfill his dreams. 

Author POV

Huan felt something he never felt, a form of fear. after watching their interaction on the youtube live, he can say that they weren't actually faking it..their smile was genuine in someway and he never want that. Jia's dad was once a partner of Kim Son's [bts] real dad Yejun, but after his death he had no other option but to listen to Huan for the safety of his daughter. 

Minyun don't know that the reason behind yejun's death was Huan, he still thinks it's because of the car accident. One day Huan visited Minyun himself offering the marriage to his own son, and let Jia be his toy to play whatever he wants and gets him the document. of course he refused but when huan pointed his gun towards his head he couldn't do anything other than listen to him, more over all his business were under the control of huan.

Minyun never said anything to his daughter he just let her marry Taehyung, He feared the death That was coming for him.


"come in" Said Minyun and saw huan entering his office with two cups of coffee. his hand felt numb to continue  typing in his laptop, he know why huan is there and he want nothing but to disappear from there and take jia with him to somewhere where huan is not with them. "Long time no see buddy" said huan placing the cup of coffee on his table. 

"what are you doing here huan" 

"you know that better than me Minyun, I told you to tell everything to Jia and make her understand my plan but you choose silence and now look how your daughter is ruining all of my plan huh? do you think I will let that happen all of my hard work from years will fall of just because of your fckig daughter. 

Minyun glared at huan and stormed towards him and grabbed his collar. "don't you fucking curse at my daughter!" Huan let himself free from Minyun's grip and scoffed and said. 

"wow, look who's fighting back now! actually this will be the last because" Huan turned his back and said.

"I told you Minyun, if you don't listen to me I will fucking kill you, right?" suddenly he look at Minyun and stabbed him harshly On his neck with an injection containing Poison. Minyun was taken aback from the sudden attack he grabbed the injection and pulled it back, now loosing his balance and landing on the floor.

"you asshole" he whimpered and squirmed on the floor fighting the pain that is going through his body, Huan kneeled down and said "now you will also die like your partner Kim Yejun" 

said huan before leaving the office and telling his guys to delete the CCTV footage. 

"you killed him?"  he whimpered.

Minyun felt himself getting unconscious and then suddenly all of it turned black.

author POV

The hospital Looks horrible in everyone's eyes especially seeing Jia in this state, Everyone was waiting outside the ICU waiting for the doctor to come and inform them about his condition. Jia wasn't having any control over her emotions, her home her one and only person who she could call as her family was now fighting inside that room against death. 

all the girl's were around her calming her down but she was crying loudly with negative thoughts filling her mind. She took a deep breath not being able to breathe normally with all that crying.

and all the boys were also staying there as a support, no matter how much tough they act outside their heart is still pure and kind they can't lose or give up on any of their family members especially Jia who really didn't do anything to their family.

everyone was silent until, Jia's nose started to bleed everyone gasped making the tall 7 men to look at their direction..Taehyung's eyes widened seeing the scene. "W-what?" he stormed towards her taking his kerchief and placing it on her nose and taking her to the washroom. They were in their own private VIP section so no one could disturb them.

Jia washed her face and cleaned her face while taehyung hold her hair gently. after washing her face she turned around to walk, but she saw herself in the mirror looking horribly pale and tired and again she saw her dad's smiling face which made her to kneel down and cry more harder than before.

Taehyung couldn't control his seriousness or anything, he know he is the only one who could try to be a comforter right now. he also kneeled down and said ever so gently.

"It's okay, your dad will be alright" jia continued crying not looking at taehyung. "hey hey look at me, look at me" Jia looked slowly to his face and noticed those deep eyes filled with water. He genuinely smiled and extended his arms a bit and she waited no more before falling to those arms, she cried hard while he slowly fall into the tiles and  lean his back to the counter.

she felt safe. in his arms

 she cried more and more hugging him ever so tightly while he caressed her back slowly in circle.

"what if he leaves me alone?" she asked crying-


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