Chpt 7 - Two-Faced

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Cole's POV -
Staring aimlessly out the dining room window, chin rested on my chin, eyes dimmed in colour, everyone else happily chattering, something about Kai's presence seemed off.

Zane's POV -
Sensing an immediate alert, glancing at Kai directly, Cole subtly doing the same, there was an unusual aura shielding his being, I mean when he came out for breakfast apparently Lloyd noticed a concerning blood puddle, strangely enough, Kai was unharmed.

Lloyd's POV -
Struggling to finish breakfast, upon placing my fork down, suspiciously Kai stood up, walked out, not saying a word and even his expression was... blank. Something just isn't adding up here.

Morro's POV -
Following Kai's shadow, he halted unexpectedly, causing me to tumble forward, accidentally bumping him in the process.

Awkwardly standing back up, nervously itching the side of my face, this wasn't meant to happen.. so how did I stumble into Kai? Revealing I'd been shadowing him.

"Are you okay Morro? Seen a ghost? Be careful next time" Unable to form words, surprised by his behaviour, wait, that wasn't Kai! "ONI OF HATRED!"

Oni Of Hatred POV -
Turning to face Morro, scoffing to myself, he managed to peer right through our illusion, I'm not surprised.

Sarcastically lifting up my hands, smirking at him, Morro didn't seem, capable, processing this moment happening in front of him. "Lost for words Ghost? Don't be surprised nor shocked, you should understand why I'm present and not Kai". Grinning insanely, Morro stepped back, face scrunched in sudden anger. "We were wrong about you, Oni Of Hatred! You haven't changed to good, in face, you're suspiciously acting like-"

Lunging forward, pressing a clawed finger to his lips, brows frowned, I'm being paranoid. Stepping back, waving my hand around, this was infuriating, he's delayed us for too long. "Apologies friend, I reacted disrespectfully, please forgive our misunderstanding, I'll be seeing you" Hurriedly jogging down the hallway, this is unravelling at an alarming rate, we'll soon be cornered, with no escape available.

Lloyd's POV -
Pausing at Morro's side, there was no one in sight, however he kept glaring with intense emotion of anger, weirdly enough he'd not noticed my presence either.

"Hey Morro, you alright? Did something happen-"
unexpectedly Morro, turned to face me directly, grab my shoulders with a fierce grip and bared his teeth in a rage. "Lloyd, Kai's been possessed by the Oni Of Hatred, I know you might think, what is happening but he's bluntly been lying to us this entire time, since their arrival!"

Sighing in response, carefully making Morro release me, avoiding eye contact, none of anything was making sense anymore. "He's two faced, is that what you're implying?" Noticing Morro nod, I've had enough, time to either fix things or.... End it.

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