Chpt 2 - The Phantom Pain

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Kai's POV -
Carefully standing up , as a warm sensation began expanding in my heart, normalised tears heavily flowing out , body trembling... have I been forgiven?

Subconsciously itching my arms in the process, pausing as a sudden thought came to mind. "Wait isn't this where the burns were?"

Glaring down, it felt as if there was a sudden phantom pain residing from the previous burns, strange, I hope this isn't a permanent side affect of regenerating.

Slumping back onto my bed, hands resting on the knees, staring ahead aimlessly, thoughts quieting, calmly breathing in, flames returned, there was an unusual sensation residing throughout my body... but why didn't I feel relieved? Happy? Or excited?

Lloyd's POV -
Grinning triumphantly, happily laughing to myself, I managed to defeat everyone at our family board game night, once more.

Ready to say a congratulations to everyone, that's when I noticed Morro came in, concerned expression plastered on his paled face, it looked as if something was bothering him, I wonder what could've happened?

Harumi's POV -
Smiling at Lloyd's victory, he suddenly had an expression of uncertainty on his face, so carefully tracing his glare, it was Morro.

Morro's POV -
Slumping in a nearby corner, not holding back any facial expressions, thoughts becoming deafening, it must've been the mysterious Oni behind Kai's return of his elemental Flames... but what he possessed me to say was... signs of us winning!

Jay's POV -
Quietly standing, staring at Morro, knowing for a fact he was hiding something, thankfully The Oni Of Fear pierced the suffocating air with a question we all wanted to ask but held back on.

"Morro you're revealing a lot of uncertainty, what happened? Who was the reason for this expression? Perhaps a certain someone, am I correct?". Noticing Morro, glare at him, I decided to stand near Nya, holding her tightly,ready for what was about to be said.

"Look I'll happily tell you all but...". Thankfully this time Lloyd spoke up, his tone revealing his sudden anger. "We don't care Morro, If it's important, tell us". Looking back at the ghost slumped in the corner, he seemed more concerned than last time. "So be it, Kai's regained his elemental powers.. and it looks like we're winning... we're slowly regaining his trust".

Lloyd's POV -
Unintentionally knocking the board game into multiple places, a rarely seen grin appearing on my face, tears swelling, this is the news we needed.

About to express my happiness, that's when it unexpectedly happened. "Morro..."Turning around to the source of the soft spoken voice, it was Kai, awkwardly rubbing his left arm, head lowered, he too was uncertain of how to act or respond.

Kai's POV -
Uncertain what to say or tell the excited stares, I awkwardly stepped backwards, head lowering, an unexpected Lloyd embraced me in a bear hug, sniffling happily to himself.

"I'm so sorry Kai... we've treated you with disrespect, making you suffer every cycle, don't worry, we're you're true family, let's rebuild our brotherly bond, retrieve Wu and return to normal". Hoping to ease Kai, what he said next was unpredicted.

"Lloyd, I need your help to kill the Oni Warlord, I know his location, I'm not strong enough, neither is the Oni Of Hatred, not yet, will you help us?".

Oni Of Despair POV -
Screaming in a hysterical, their brotherly love improving further, my manipulation thinning, this can't be allowed! How dare he threaten to kill me!

Glaring at the unconscious silhouette behind me, Tusk bared in a toothy snarl,I have to end this before Wu regains consciousness.

Sensei Wu POV -
Head hanged low, struggling to breathe through the clotted blood in my throat, each slash wound burning from the environmental air, The Oni Of Despair decided to try a crucifixion on me, truth be told it hurts an agonising amount but I was secretly keeping him here to stop him from corrupting my family any longer, I just can't allow him to turn Kai to the darkness.

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