Chpt 4 - Paranoia

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Kai's POV -
Steadily walking down the Western hallway, frantically glancing over my shoulder, each second slowly passing, the more paranoid I'd become.

Halting, uncertainty overwhelming my being, without sensing a presence, an unforgettable experience of discomfort consumed me, causing a shiver down my back. Stepping an inch forward, not a millisecond too soon,familiar Oni claws wrapped around my neck, not permitting any movement.

"Oh Kai, I'm so severely disappointed in you, I'd given you everything! New powers! A new Oni form! EVERYTHING! WHY DO YOU NOT ACKNOWLEDGE WHAT I HAVE DONE FOR YOU! CAN YOU NOT SEE THEY ARE USING YOU! IM JUST TRYING TO SAVE YOU!" Grinning softly to myself, hearing blunt lies, did he really think I'd fall for such petty efforts. "Enough, leave at once, I'm done being your puppet, I chose freedom not your illusionary help"

unable to escape his grasp, a small 'drip' echoed, glaring down, he'd cut open my neck, enforcing a wound severe enough to kill a human. "Don't you worry, Kai Jay Smith, I'll come back, kill your previous sensei and return to make you understand"

Sighing in relief, head lowering, covering my neck with a steadied hand, blood heavily flowing out, paralysed to one spot, why is he still trying to induce despair?... "he should give up..."

unconsciously kneeling, upper body collapsing into the hard, wooden flooring, blood puddling, gasping frequently for air, chest tightening, everyone had excitedly ran off to town for some surprise, unfortunately they'll come back to disappointment.

Oni Of Hatred POV -
Towering over Kai's unconscious body, excited chatter crept in from the courtyard, this is unfortunate timing. Kneeling, grabbing his wrist firmly, a small pulse, good, time to assist the situation before anyone witnesses.

Readying myself to lift Kai up, carry him to his room and immediately cleanup, unfortunately a familiar voice spoke harshly from near. "Say Warlord of Hatred, before the mortals enter the monastery, who did this Kai". Scoffing, facing them afterwards, it was the Oni Of Fear, I'm not surprised.

"He returned, The Oni- that mysterious Oni". Rubbing the side of my neck anxiously, Warlord of Fear cautiously approached me, a frown of uncertainty visible. "You're still hiding his true name? Why? He tried permanently banishing you? Manipulating Kai on multiple occasions, yet you didn't try to stop him, why is that?" Avoiding eye contact, Kai's neck heavily flowing out blood, my face scrunching, this wasn't time for mere chatter.

"It's our contract, I'm forbidden to say the mysterious Oni true name, allow Kai to regenerate, I'll reason with him to tell you all the true name of our Manipulator, give it time".

Oni Of Fear POV -
Carefully analysing The Warlord of Hatred, he definitely has changed, resulting to good throughout this entire process, how I knew was how he'd handled Kai with such care, gently taking the injured host back to his room to heal.

Smiling to myself, two arms crossed, head lowered, without warning a teal orb presented itself near, shadowing the Warlord Of Hatred, no it can't be. Hurriedly sprinting after the two, Oni heart aching, I'd promised Morro and Jay if they weren't present I would be Kai's guardian, I shall not falter.

Harumi's POV -
Entering the monastery first, an eery silence suffocated our air, why have I felt such... despair.

Stupidly running for the source , pupils contracting, fear of death clouding my being, I couldn't understand what Lloyd was thinking, leaving Kai alone, vulnerable, and scared of the possibilities Despair might kill him for his disobedience.

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