Chpt 3 - Forgiven?

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Kai's POV -
Embracing Lloyd in an enforced hug, quickly releasing him, Nya decided to approach me as well "Kai...".

Becoming embraced in Nya's inhuman hug, as she shed a heavy flow of tears, releasing all her pent up sadness, pain and heartache, I saw Lloyd happily smiling to himself, relieved who's side I've decided to chose.

Lloyd's POV -
Arms crossed, happily grinning to myself, I was surprised at first to hear how Kai wanted to brutality kill this mysterious Oni, another shock of truth was how he asked for our help as well, it's all falling into place for us, finally luck is on our side.

Morro's POV -
Sighing to myself, releasing all tension, excitement increasing, Kai knew this mysterious Oni location, not only that he actually wanted to end him, to prevent further complications, I'm so grateful to hear such words, especially after everything that's painfully occurred.

Jay's POV -
Smiling to myself, Oni Of Fear nudged me, a relieved expression on his previously tensed face.

"Looks like we've won, however we can't allow excitement to consume our emotions, we cannot Kai succumb to this Oni Devil Warlord" nodding in agreement, we'll all have to keep on high alert to protect Kai.

Zane's POV -
Lunging at Kai, carefully grabbing his shoulders, not harming or nearing his unfortunate burns, grin widening, metallic heart beating with joy, Kai returned a never seen warm smile in response.

"My programming may not be able to extend to such lengths but I won't allow that to stop me! Kai I'm severely grateful you've teamed with us again! In a form of a congratulation, shall I bake you your favourite strawberry deluxe pancake stack? Or would you be willing to lend a hand?" Grin wider than previously, Kai smiled happily, placing a hand on my shoulder, he nodded. "Of course Zane, i unfortunately didn't eat the last batch... to make up for this entire situation, how about we all bake? Together?" Scanning the living room, everyone nodded in agreement, this all truly felt surreal.

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