The song

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Jirou walked next to Momo, being welcoming inside of her best friends bedroom.

Momo turned to Jirou, " So.. how's the song coming along? " She pointed to the box Jirou held tight to her chest.

Jirou followed her finger and glanced down to the box and she was lead to sitting on Momo's bed next to her.

" I think it's coming along well.
I've done a couple verses, I would just like to maybe, practice? " Jirou puffed her cheeks and flushed.

Momo was confused? She tilted her head, " What do you mean? You came here to practice? I thought you could do that by yoursel- oh! "

Momo clasped Jirou's hands in her, the box fell on the bed next to them.

Jirou widen her eyes at the action, " You mean to tell me you're willing to sing infront of me? " Her black coal eyes had a spark to them. Were they always that pretty?

Jirou smiled, " I can try to get comfortable infront of people for the festival.
Means I have to practice infront of people, right? "

Jirou tilted her head away and looked somewhere else from Momo.

Momo nodded, shaking her and Jirou's hands in the process, " Yes! Oh! Apologies. " Momo finally glanced down to what she grabbed ahold of and let Jirou's hands go.

" Right, " Jirou looked back and smiled.

" You happen to have a place for me to practice? "
" Yes! Ofcourse! " Momo stood up, " Did you want to review the song at all? "

Jirou turned to the box that went untouched, do I? Is the song the way I want it?

She'd questioned it before, but no answer thawed from her frozen thoughts.
Shaking her head she stood up, picked the box up and looked to Momo.

" It's not done, I think looking it over would take me over and I'd have more to write, not practice. " Jirou spoke solemnly.

Momo led them out of the bedroom, had we even been in her room for more than 5 minutes?

Jirou questioned with her holding a giggle back.
I think she's more eager than I am.

She blinked, grabbing a hold of Momo's shoulder as they strolled down halls.

" Hey, you aren't just excited to hear me sing.. right? " Jirou had a quiet yet harsh tone, serious almost. Kind of like a threat where there wasn't one.

Momo hid her smile since she was walking infront of Jirou by two steps.
" Ofcourse not, I want to hear your song because it's what you made. "

Jirou's stomach fluttered.
" And your singing. Can't deny it. " Jirou made a pained sound to that as Momo laughed.

Jirou sighed, " It's whatever I guess. " She muttered.

Momo eventually came to a halt infront of a door.
Not a double one like the others.

" This it? "

" I believe so, I personally don't sing so I don't use the studio. " Momo's voice was louder than Jirou's beating heart. Jirou's was nervous to have someone so valuable listen to her sing.

What if it's bad? What if she doesn't like it? Wait.. This is for Denki, not Momo? Is it not? Why am I so worried about what she thinks?

Jirou heard the door open and let go of the breath she was holding.
" Yep, this is it. "

The studio was fairly smaller than the other rooms.
Though, the walls would reach on all side about three people with their arms fully out on either side of them.

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