Build For Love

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Debating on whether the effort is there or not, delay or rely you must on love.

The contemplation defines your outline for love.

One more of the hardest part is trying to understand the truth and whom is built for it.

Once one is built for love, it all depends on both ends. That's the truth Jirou has to overcome.

Besides the truth of what'll come when she confesses to Momo of her love for Kaminari; their relationship.

The coffee day was around the corner and Momo couldn't wait, Jirou wanted to hold it off just a week longer or less so.

Reasons, to Momo- unknown; date night was to be the night after.

Energy must be at an all time high for Jirou f her and her boyfriend are going to spend good quality time together.

Though, she remained quiet about it to an oblivious Momo.

As time was still remaining, Jirou had yet to explain the situation she was in between.

To her beloved ofcourse. He was the only one besides herself to be enlightened on their relationship ship status.

" You want me to come over? I can come over! "

That was Kaminari's voice over the phone line of Jirou.

She was hovering her phone over her ear as her glossy lips were tainted with pink, " Actually, I wouldn't mind some company.. just hurry, I'm lonely. " She paused hesitantly.

The next information she let slip was the last before Kaminari hung up. " My parents left me to fend for myself, ugh. "

Kind of plain, though you could hear her eyes roll through her words.

His chuckle was last to leave her.

The hang up was expected, she was glad to say the least as she stared outside of her comfort-zone window.

" I feel so .. this is just making me, unhinged. " She was fighting two stages.

One stage of questions, the other being the fight to keep herself awake at night to answer those questions.

She felt so lonesome as she created wrinkles on her bedsheets, she was waiting.

Those empty floor board aren't being put to use by her body.

Her mind delayed as she watched the sun settle downwards, horizon creation.

Hand stayed silent within her hand, nothing new was to come of.

She was blushing, but was rushing full of worry.

' I'm home alone, Denki coming over, ' Knowing well, nothing would happen, her mind drifted carelessly.

She was needy for his touch, his presence, " I could fix this by asking if Momo wants to come by.. "

That could fix one thing, clear one stage, one of her many questions blocking freedom of mind.

" Would he endorse with my request to openly coming out about or relationship? "

Probably not.

Her mind would answer her.

" What if I can clear the many questions by asking this question? "

You can't.

It's inevitable.

Minutes past hastily as she grew off her anxious set.

Her integrity could possibly get the better of her when or if he notices the questions written on her face.

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