Clear Dark Skies

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No one would expect dorms to be their protection from the villainous activities around.

Dorms were a concept of another space for students to go if they didn't have money to rent out an apartment, stay with a family member, or have a safe roof over their heads.

Usually if you don't have a safe space over your head, you report it and leave almost immediately.

It's only right. Speak up.

Speaking up can save you years of safety.
Student's shall learn over the course of years to come.

Kaminari didn't walk into a class full of students to find out dormitories were their idea of safety.

Anyone like him would be more reluctant with the idea of dormitories with his ability.

He worries his ass off most days alone when he very well knows, he could turn the lights off or power surge the building anytime.

Any moment, he could be scolded or heavily defriended so easily- huge worry.

Though, his only idea is to get through the years of UA and leave with good notice with his quirk.

He did infact, start to learn to control this fascination of surging electricity.
His parents, himself, and his future couldn't be more proud.

The mist with the foggy flour-ish clouds in the air started to drip over, overflown with evaporated water, causing the rain to drip out onto Earth's grounds.

The timing was efficient and non-intentional.

The winds stopped blowing so rough, as to there was a rain storm approaching from the distance.

As rough as the storm was to hit, no one saw it coming from afar.

It looked like a cloud had only just fallen with a little mist within the atmosphere, not a whole ass storm.

The abrupt news the storm called for, stopped and postponed the dormitory building, just for an hour or so, there's quirks to dry and or block.

Why not put them to great use while building the dorms.

It'll take less than a month with the amount of work put into this protection.

Aizawa was the last person to walk into the room before Kaminari mumbled " Fuck, " under his breath once more.

Though his delay with the other teacher gave Kami the clear for the first, " Fuck! " to be so called screeched aloud in an audible ignored tone.

Kaminari saw Vlad King and Aizawa sensei speaking intelligently to one another, Kaminari knew he'd be late if not in class and caught.

Though, most students reacted worse to the news of dormitories, most were complaining about not having quality family time, other couldn't wait to get away from home, their siblings.

Others were relieved, Shoto Todoroki for one, his Father had done terrible things to home growing up. He never spoke up about it since his Father swore to change.

But, Momo and Jirou were speechless for moments on end, " Really? Does that mean we'll basically sharing a " house " together? " Jirou overlapped everyone's train of thoughts.

" You're right! We could have movie night, game night, nights together! " Mina cheered ecstatically.

She was part of the students happy about the dorms idea.

A selected handful were weeping of happiness more than sorrow for maybe leaving their homes on end.

Everyone had their fair share of thoughts while the teachers couldn't be more relieved.

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