Quick, Act Natural

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Beat. Beat. Thump. Thump.

Hearts are a form of life and death.

When you have your heart broken, you feel as if you had just stopped time, heart beat no more, and pass. On the other hand- it's a form of life.

It holds your life in it's hands, your love life is what life is and or can be about.
You feel alive when in love, dead when broken or not.

Inside, you long for someone or something to love, live for, die for.

Jirou's heart kept her feet moving; collapsing is what she felt like doing on the middle of the sidewalk.

That kiss she cherished and carried on her lips never left. The feeling of his soft warm lips stayed on hers.

' Twice!? ' She screamed inside her mind, the thought of almost the third kiss actually happening, was too much; not enough for her lips, not enough to drown out the warmth.

Too much for her little small heart filled with music to handle.

She can't help herself when she thinks about it all, she didn't understand his words, the phase " Get friendly with it, " even when it rolled off of her tongue after his.

She was oblivious to the meaning and the hidden truth to the kiss she didn't scrape up an inch of.

Her feet slowed behind her as her body dragged longing forward.

It was only the second week of school, she had no clue why that happened so soon, she doesn't even know the boy. The man.

The boy who took her heart to another level.

Her hands slugged in her pockets as her back hitched over her feet, bad posture is to be presumed to say the least.

She could handle the thought of never being with someone like him, well, there was nothing she thought was between them.

That kiss was something.

They say their friends, though, friends don't kiss other friends without catching feelings.

Jirou questioned herself that the moment the lips flew perfect together.

The simple peck of lips on the opposites lips were a soft landing, though, even butterflies inside of their stomachs couldn't compare to the intense moment they both thought it was.

Jirou followed behind people in her own way to her house, she needed to rest off what had happened.

An accidental taste of his lips is what happened.

Or was it their unchallenged feelings winning the war against them?

Jirou couldn't confess to feeling unbeknownst to her wellbeing- why lie about the truth she can't confront?

What's the point of running into a strangers arms?

Though, the dance was especially something she'd adore for her time being around.

She was getting to the consequences Bakugo was taking about and she acts tough enough to scrap by, no. She was incorrect.

She'd either have to come to face the real deal, or suffer continuously.

Jirou felt her phone start to vibrate as her music had shut off in her ear, stuffing her ear drums with the ringing.

" Ack- God! What the hell!? " Her voice screeched under her breath, she got stares from around her.

She took her phone from her pocket and the contact name took her phone. " Mom? " She surrendered her voice lower while on the phone, walking back to her house alone.

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