The Marked Clock

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The days felt fastened as they flew with a whisker by the girl.

Little did her mind read, time wasn't the thing pacing, she was.
She wasn't prepared for the next few days to feel so fast.

She was trying to catch herself before she had fallen to her knees and confessed to having dating Kaminari currently.

That's one thing of worry to her, other than that, not much bothered her.

Besides having small dates at the café with her love for their study- mostly his.

Jirou had not once brought her mind to her mouth and spoken about such and such to her boyfriend.

Though, her consideration on the matter has grown- with his low intelligence, even with, he can tell something is up.

He had tried to get her to break down in a good way and express her hold.

Both know better than to force something from someone, especially an answer.

Even if they really just need one.

The café in barely her grasp before Momo had texted her, abruptly wanting to see her at the café she was just arriving to.

Kaminari saw the younger one outside of the café and decided not to wonder longer as she was continuing her way towards the entrance.

Denki had most of his day closed off, so now would be the one time he got to see his girl of the whole day.

Time felt slow- everyone else heard the bell for her entrance through the door.

He watched her hips slowly sway as she got closer to him, her eyes drew onto where his were.

" You asshole, I just got through the door and you're already staring me down? "

" I'm such a gentleman right? "

His eyes forward now, staring into hers the deep purples of those orbs.

She blushed a bush of roses before sitting down in the opposite booth cushion of his seat.

Jirou's grip on her phone was intriguing him, " You're keeping tabs on your own phone so hastily, what's up? "

His raised brow made the question more difficult.

" Well, " She begun, looking down to her phone again as if waiting for a ding of a notification.

A message.

The window to her looked pretty to look out of, trying to make everything around her seem distracting.

" I was often wondering, who may I tell of us? "

Kaminari's eyes slightly wandered with shock, how should he know? He as a handful of friends compared to her.

" Hm, I have more friends than you- "

" Is that supposed to be targeted rudely? "

" No! "

His hands wavered in the air with swift motions following shakily behind, " I was just trying to be nice when I- compared. "

" That was nice? "

" I apologize, "

Her smile and laughter could light up a room in a stressful situation.

" I meant, Your friends are basically a car full of mine compared to the selected handful of friend I have, I don't mind who you tell, I probably already know them. "

Her realization hit like none other thrown punch.

" Oh, that great to know! I'll tell Momo! "

Maybe there could be one issue with that name to Kaminari when she asked.

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