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Why didn't I chase after him?
Why did I just stand there and watch him nearly leave, to only get shot instead?
He was so scared.
I should have known I was scaring him, but I wanted to see him open up.
I wanted to see the omega in him blossom.
But instead.
I ruined things.

"It should have been me." I murmured standing outside of the waiting room with my head against the wall, my brows furrowed as I let out a frustrated sigh.

"You know talking to yourself is a sign you're going crazy." I looked over my shoulder as Quin's dad, Moxie stood there looking at me.
I frowned at him.
"Shouldn't you be with your family?" I asked him.
Moxie smiled softly.
"I should be, but as a parent I'm allowed to worry about everyone present, including you." He walked up to me now.

"This isn't your fault, Asher-"
"But it is, if I had chased after Quin, pulled him away from the door.. None of this would be happening right now." I frowned deeply at the other.
Moxie looked at me.
"No one knew this would happen and although it's sad to admit, we can't control every situation that's happening right in front of us." He told me.
I looked at the other.
"You make it sound like you've been in a similar position." I pointed out.

Moxie leaned against the wall, standing next to me.
"I have been, before any of my children were adopted and Iggy was born, there came a time where an evil man wanted every vampire killed." He began as I looked at him confused.
"Who was that?"
"Ace Ellison, a monster and a merciless alpha who hated the very idea of wolves and vampires being together, before he found out I wasn't his kid. He did everything in his power to keep me away from my mate, Magna, and the day I went to save the love of my life? He ordered a man to rape me, in hopes of destroying what love Magna had for me to watch as I was nearly taken by another." There was sadness in the others eyes as I frowned at him.
"It didn't happen, did it?"

Moxie looked to me.
"No, thankfully, but even if it had? I never saw Magna leaving me for something that was out of both our control, so trust me when I say this Asher." He stepped forward.
"My sons accident was not your fault, no one knew someone would shoot him, but you best believe we will find whoever did it and they will be dealt with." He told me.

I frowned at him.
"Even if that person is dealt with, do you think Quin will want to see me when he wakes up?" I asked him.
Moxie blinked but he smiled softly.
"I'm sure you'll be one of the first faces he'll want to see when he does wake up, I do love the fact you said, when, and not if." He said.
I looked at the other.
"He's a stubborn guy for an omega, I have no doubt he'll wake up." I shrugged which made the other smile.
"You're right, would you like to join the rest of us in the waiting room?" He asked me.

I rubbed the side of my neck.
"Is your mate in there?" I frowned.
Moxie smiled softly.
"Are you afraid of him?"
Not even hesitating, I nodded.
It made him chuckle.
"That's good, you should be, but you should also know he didn't mean to hit you. Magna gets heated easily, but when he's worried? He can't control his temper, so I'm sure he'll apologize to you when he calms himself down." He explained.

I stared but sighed softly.
"I can understand that, if this was my kid, I'm sure I would respond the way he did as well.." I said.
Moxie smiled.
"You have more in common with each other than you think, come on, lets go be with the others." He told me, motioning for me to follow the other.
"Any update?" Moxie asked walking into the waiting room where the rest of Quin's family was, the only one missing was Amber, but I think she was asked to stay home to watch over someone.

"Not yet, even though it's been nearly two hours since he was taken back." Iggy commented rubbing his temples.
Moxie frowned but took a seat by his mate who was staring hard at the wall, his eyes were black.

"Magna, do you need to go home to cool down further?" Moxie suggested.
"No." Magna frowned at him.
"I need to be here for when our son wakes up, I have to know he's okay." He said.
Moxie took the others hand.
"Then I need for you to calm down, your eyes are black and you don't need to look like that for when the doctor comes in." He told the other.
Magna frowned deeply.
"You're right, I'm sorry." He responded by rubbing his eyes as he let out a soft sigh.

I watched the two before looking away and out the window.
Quin would make it out of this.
And when he did.
I would make sure to never let him out of my sight again.

"Quin's parents?" The doctor walked in looking at his clipboard before scanning the room.
Moxie and Magna jumped to their feet.
"We're his parents." They said in unison.
The doctor nodded.
"Please, follow me." He told them.

Magna didn't hesitate to follow after the other but Moxie paused at the feeling of Omega's hand taking the others in silence.
Moxie studied his present children before offering a soft smile.
"I'll let you know what the doctor says after he's finished talking to us." He told him.
Omega frowned but nodded, joining Jinx who was also frowning but watched as their parents left the room.

Please, let it be good news.
The longer we waited in the room, the more nervous I came.
It didn't help that Jinx started pacing and Iggy kept biting at his nails watching the door, waiting for it to open.

I looked to the others who had fallen asleep, Beau was curled up in Mateo's lap whose head was resting against the wall as he slept.
I knew if I started walking, I would only try to hunt down Quin's room to see him for myself.
But I knew I had to be patient.
Even though it was becoming very hard to do so.

What felt like hours of waiting for the couple to come back.
They both returned, but looked devastated.
No, no no.
Don't look like that.
Don't look like he didn't make it.
I'm begging you.

Iggy was cautious but approached his parents.
"What did the doctor say?" He asked them.

Magna was the first to collapse on the chair, his expression was blank and hard to read as we all looked at Moxie now.

"It's worse than we thought." Moxie got out as the color drained from Iggy's face standing there.
"No, don't tell me he's-"
"He's not dead." Moxie frowned looking sick.
"But he lost a lot of blood, the doctor has him on infusions but the issue is his blood type is o negative and none of you are his blood type-"

"I am." I stood to my feet as Moxie looked at me.
"They can take my blood, please, I want them to if it'll help Quin recover." I told him.
Moxie frowned at me.
"You'd really do that-"
"Of course." I cut him off.
"I wasn't lying when I said I wanted to be with your son, so if I have to sacrifice some blood to prove that, I'll sacrifice as much as they need. I am begging you, let me donate." I said.

Moxie looked to Magna who was already looking at me.
"How do we know you're not doing this to make yourself look like some hero, that you're just taking pity on him-"
"I'm not!" I hissed glaring at the vampire who glared back.
"Really? Only because I'm just curious, why have you taken the sudden interest in being with my son? What has he done to make you want to save his life? I mean after all, you made his life a living hell before all of this." 

"Magna!" Moxie growled as the other frowned.
"What? I'm only speaking facts, we've all seen how many times Quin broke down wondering why he was never good enough for this one, why this boy made my son lose so much self confidence and why he thought he would never be good enough for any alpha, he hates vampires outside of the family and friends we have which is understandable given his past, but what made you turn this much over as a new lead for someone you claimed to hate? Please tell us before I decide on whether or not you're allowed to donate your blood to my son like you'd just be making yourself look good." He said.

If hate was a person, it would definitely be Quin's dad for me.

I stood there before frowning softly.

"You are right, I treated Quin like absolute shit last year, I was more focused on my reputation as an alpha because I was more around Denver and his bunch, they didn't care for low class omegas which made me not care for them either, so when Quin enrolled at our school I saw that as my chance to impress high class alphas in hopes of looking good to be around. I was stupid and closed minded, I only cared about hurting Quin until I tried using his past against him which made him cry, I think that was when I finally snapped to my senses for the first time.." I frowned softly.
"And then he returned to school with his face bruised up, I had no idea he left school or got abducted by the ones who were cruel to him after they killed his parents, I think what changed me over was seeing how soft and frail he really was when his guard was down." I looked at his parents frowning.

"I made multiple mistakes when it came to your son and I know a simple apology will never be enough, but spending the little time I did with him this weekend made me only want to fight harder and be a better alpha for him, someone who can guard and protect him. I want him to know how serious I am, even if hes blind into thinking I'm joking, or even if you think I am joking." I rubbed the side of my neck.

"I may not even be the alpha he wants to be with, and it sucks but I would get over the rejection eventually." I looked at Magna.
"But I want to be here for when he wakes up, so he knows I do care about him, so please."
I dropped to my knees which made both of their eyes grow wide as I bowed my head.

"Let me donate my blood to save your son's life, I am begging you." I told them.

"Talk about embarrassing."
I felt my face growing warm and just as I went to look up, Magna was kneeling down so we were face to face.
"But as embarrassing as that just was, it was enough to move me into accepting your offer, and once my son does wake up? I want you to be the first face he sees." He told me, pulling me to my feet as my brows furrowed.

"Shouldn't you two be the first ones he sees?"
Magna smirked softly.
"It's kind of hard to go first after you said all of that embarrassing stuff, I mean you even dropped to your knees, what kind of alpha does that?"
My face grew red as Moxie shoved the other.

"Stop teasing him Magna, it was sweet." He told his mate as Magna smiled softly, his eyes fell on me.

"Go donate romeo, we'll be here waiting for you to come back." He told me.
I blinked but nodded, I managed to smile before running out of the room.

I would be the one to save Quin's life.
And when he wakes up.
I'll be there to confess how much I really do care about him.
No matter how embarrassing it may be.

I just have to make sure his parents don't follow me.
Because I really don't need Magna teasing me more than he already has.
Even if it is progress to winning his parents over.
Magna's bipolar attitude was enough to give me whiplash.

For a vampire with five kids and two on the way?

Magna was a terrifying man.
Who I definitely needed to keep my guard up around.

For my mental health.

And Quins.

So please Quin.
Wake up soon.

An Omegas Curse [BOOK FOUR]Where stories live. Discover now