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"Wait, you don't want to tell the principal about that dick using his pheromones against you?" Beau questioned as we walked into the second period, which unfortunately for me, would have Asher in it.
I looked to the brunet.
"No, I think I'm going to let it slide this one time-"
"You're seriously acting dumb right now Quin, if you let your wolf brain do the thinking, Asher will always run over you because you actually let him." Beau told me.
"Is that such a bad thing?" I asked.
Beau stared.
"Please tell me you're joking." He frowned as we took a seat at our desks.

"I'm just thinking-"
"Well there's your problem-"
"Shut up." I grinned as he smirked at me.
"That the more I let him treat me like crap, the more of his attention I'll receive." I said with a shrug.
Beau's smirk vanished into a frown as his brows furrowed.

"You had me for a second, now I'm just fucking depressed, that's a horrible way to want attention Quin, and that's coming from me." Beau frowned.
I sat there looking at the other.
"I can't help that the only alpha I'm into is a massive jerk, but when he's treating me like shit, it means I have his attention during that time, which means! I'm on his mind." I grinned pointing at my own skull as Beau rolled his eyes.
"You've definitely lost me, we can find you someone better Quin, if you just give it time." He told me.

I don't want someone better..
I wanted the one guy who pissed me off to want me as much as I wanted him.
But in his eyes, I was nothing more than a street rat.

"Alright class, with it being the first week back, I thought we could do something a little fun." Ms.Waters began at the front of the class.
"Does it involve going home and getting a good grade?" Mateo Sawyer questioned as Asher grinned at the blond who was already grinning at the teacher.

Ms.Waters only smiled in response.
"You're free to go home any time Mateo, but I can't promise you'll get a good grade from it." She told him.
Mateo only shrugged in response grinning at her.
"Worth a shot." He responded.

Ms.Waters continued to smile.
"Moving on, for the next two weeks I was thinking we could do a project that involves being partners-"
Just that had everyone hyped up, there were girls already grabbing each other as if they had claimed who their partner was.
I felt like it was a trap.

Ms.Waters looked around.
"I'm happy to see you all so energetic about this, but I will be assigning the partners for this project." She said and the room fell silent.
There it was.
The girls were all frowning and letting each other go before going back to their desks.
I knew better than to get my hopes up, because I would have grabbed Beau in seconds before anyone else could have tried to.

"And I already have everyone partnered starting with Mateo and Beau." Ms.Waters began.
"Who?" Mateo arched a brow.

I looked to Beau who was death staring the blond.
"Ms.Waters can I have someone who isn't going to make me want to pull my hair out?" Beau requested.
"I mean I can pull your hair if you want." Mateo offered with a shrug.
Beau sat there not even looking at Mateo who basically was flirting with him at this point.

Ms.Waters just smiled.
"I feel like you're the only one who can tame him, Beau, so no you'll be okay." She told him.
Beau stared.
"But my mental health won't be." He responded.

"Moving forward, Riley Hendrix and Gemma Webb will be partners." Ms.Waters said.
"Yes!" I heard Gemma exclaim which only made my black haired friend blush looking at the brown haired alpha who was smiling at her.
I keep forgetting Riley and Gemma had a thing for each other, and now they were partners, good for them, Riley needed that.

"Teddy Ellison and Denver Gilmore." Ms.Waters read the names and my eyes fell on my cousin who sat in the front of the class, he frowned looking over his shoulder to the blond who was already looking in his direction, neither of them said anything before Teddy went back to his notes.

I wasn't here last year but according to Iggy, there was a lot of drama that involved him and Cricket and a few alphas. I don't know if Denver was a part of it, but apparently some of the alphas tried to rape Cricket, but his boyfriend Zell beat the living hell out of them.

"Asher Woods and Quin Grimes."
I felt my blood run ice cold, because even though I said I wanted his attention, this was not what I had in mind.

"Can I fail the project now?" Asher asked sitting in the back with Mateo who was grinning at him.
Ms.Waters frowned.
"No Asher, you cannot fail the project when it hasn't even begun." She told him.
Asher stared.
"Cool cool, can I just not do the project? I mean I really don't want to be partners with the street rat." He sighed.
Ms.Waters blinked before her brows furrowed.

"I'm sorry to hear that, but I think I'm more sorry for Quin to have such a negative partner, I can't force you to do the project but I can promise your grade will definitely go down." She told him.
Asher frowned now.
"What does my grade have to do with this project? It's just a stupid project-"
"Mr.Woods, I advise you to watch your attitude before I send you to the office, either you do the project with a better attitude, or you can fail it and let your grades pay the price for your childish behavior." Ms.Waters told him.

Asher only rolled his eyes.
"Fixing to find out real quick just how important these grades are." He growled now.
Mateo only grinned.
"There there buddy, just think about how much hell you can make his life if you choose your grades over failing." He told him.
Asher blinked before smirking softly.
"Right, I didn't think about it like that." He shrugged as if his mood was already getting better.

I sat there looking at Beau who was glaring softly in their direction.
"Don't worry Quin, I'm pretty sure we can get away with murder if we're sly enough." He told me.
If I didn't care about my grades, I would just say screw it as well.
But seeing how dedicated Iggy was when it came to his grades, it was kind of encouraging.
So I definitely needed this grade that way I could do well and maybe brag about it to our family.
"He threw a fit being partnered with you?" Amber questioned during third period which was gym class, we were walking the track as my arms crossed.
"Yeah he said he wanted to fail because he didn't want to be my partner." I told her.
Amber rolled her eyes.
"Asher is such a pain in the ass, no one understands kids like us and it really shows-"
"Except for our parents." I pointed out.

Amber blinked but she smiled softly.
"We got lucky being found by them and now dads pregnant." She sighed looking up at the blue sky.
I looked to her.
"He didn't seem all too happy about finding out he was." I commented.
"I think there's a story behind it, but he isn't ready to tell anyone yet." Amber glanced to me.
"Either way, our family keeps getting bigger, but I think our parents like it like that." She smiled.
I looked up at the sky.
"Think they'll take in anymore strays?" I asked her.

"We are not strays."
I paused and turned to Jinx who walked up scowling with Ozzie Berry who was almost hiding behind the other.

"Just because that dumb dog calls you a street rat doesn't mean you get to call us strays." Jinx told me with a soft glare.
I frowned at him.
"I didn't mean it like that-"
"No but you still said it, strays are those without a home, we have a home and parents who love us. If they choose to take in anymore kids, that's their call, but don't define them as strays, it's freaking depressing hearing that name." He told me.

"Okay easy, there's no sense in getting worked up over something like that." Amber told Jinx who frowned at her.
"Like being called a stray?" Jinx glared.
"He wasn't calling us strays Jinx, he was just asking a question, there is no reason for you to pick a fight with Quin. He's already dealing with drama involving Asher-"

"That ass again?" Jinx glared at me as I glared back.
"I have bad taste, what can I say?"
"Maybe try better as an omega for one? Usually when you see red flags, you get out of there." Jinx scoffed.
"Or are your internal scars not enough that you need a constant reminder of your past?" He asked me as my eyes grew wide.

"Jinx! That is not okay!" Amber yelled after him as the two walked away from us.

I stood there with knitted brows and for once, his words actually packed a punch, because that hurt more than I wanted to admit.
Was that what I was doing?
Was I needing a constant reminder of my past and that's why I was okay with Asher treating me like shit, because I was used to it?
It made sense.
I didn't want it to because just when I stopped thinking about the past.
It was being shoved back down my throat.

I looked to my sister and just as I went to move, my legs turned into jelly and I was hitting the ground.

"Someone call the school nurse!" I heard Amber shout as I laid there with my head spinning.
I couldn't focus because my thoughts were falling back to the past.
I didn't want to go back there.
I was scared to go back there.
I wouldn't cry.
Don't cry.
Don't you fucking cry.

They were dead, and the dead stayed dead.
I would know because I was there the night it happened.
The night it all went down hill.
The night the vampires came and slaughtered my parents, because I practically begged them to.
And in return.
They took my body as payment.
I screamed so loud that it felt like my throat was bleeding.
The blood I could taste and smell.
The pain my body went through.
The pure fear I felt being constantly taken.
I wanted to die.
I begged them to kill me.
But instead.
I was left in that house next to my dead parents.
I had hoped my heart would stop.
But it didn't.
Life was cruel and it kept me alive, until Magna Grimes found me, and then my life changed.
When my eyes opened I was in the nurses office.
But I wasn't alone.

Dad was also in the office, he was in the chair as if waiting for me to wake up.
I laid there for a moment before making a quiet sound that was loud enough to get the others attention.

"Oh Quin, how are you feeling?" He asked me.
I frowned at him.
"I think I got too hot." I replied.
Dad blinked but he smiled softly.
"That's what happened, the nurse explained you were dehydrated, but I rushed here as soon as Amber called freaking out over you." He told me.
I blinked but looked up at the ceiling.
"I'll have to apologize later to her." I responded.

Dad looked at me.
"You should, you even had Jinx worried, but he was quick to get flustered when he found out you were just dehydrated, I think he called you dumb. I'll have to scold him later." He smiled softly as I looked to the other.
"No it's fine, I've been nothing but dumb today, it only makes sense he'd call me that." I told him.
Dad frowned softly now.
"Why would you say that? What did you do that would make you dumb?" He asked me.

I wanted to cry in frustration because of how nice he was.
I wasn't used to it.
I was used to the complete opposite of kindness and that's all him, papa and the others have shown me.

"I'm starting to like Asher again." I confessed.
Dad blinked before he sighed softly.
"Son, that does that not make you dumb-"
"It does when he treats me like crap and I like it because it means I'm getting his attention." I told the other.
Dad stared.
"Well, I mean..."
"See? I'm a dumb wolf!" I cried as dad smiled softly.

"You are not dumb Quin, your decision to let a jerk treat you like crap isn't exactly the best, but life is full of mistakes and wonders, I don't like the fact you're still chasing after someone like him. But, I won't control who you can and can't see either, it was how I was raised up until a point, and I was miserable, which is the last thing I want you or your other siblings to feel. So if you want to keep chasing after that boy, you'll eventually learn or you won't, but I won't interfere until he has your heart so broken you're locked in the basement again." He told me.

I laid there looking at him.
"Hopefully it doesn't come to that." I responded.

Dad smiled softly.
"Hopefully not, I haven't gotten angry in quite some time, and I really don't want to now.. Also," He leaned forward looking at me.

"When you're ready, there's no pressure because I don't want you to push away from me, but I'd like for us to talk about your past." He reached up and I tried not to flinch when he brushed his thumb under my eyes.
"You're starting to cry in your sleep again Quin, so when you feel up to it, you know I'll be there to listen." He told me.

It was hard to swallow.
So I just nodded in response.
Because in all honesty.

I feel like if I open up about my past to anyone?

I'll break completely.

An Omegas Curse [BOOK FOUR]Where stories live. Discover now