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"You're not going to hang out with your friend down at the dock?"
I paused looking through the cabinets as I knelt there before looking over my shoulder to the blond haired alpha, who was already staring at me.
"Quin's a big boy, he doesn't need me to hold his hand everywhere he goes." I responded turning my attention back to the cabinets.

Mateo smirked softly leaning against the island counter with his arms crossed watching me.
"It hardly seems that way, you two are constantly at the hip with each other, it almost looks like you're together." He pointed out.
Pausing again, I let out an annoyed sigh before turning my attention back to the alpha with a smile.

"What's it going to take to get you to leave me alone so I can snoop?" I asked him.
"Well that's a dangerous question." Mateo grinned as I arched a brow at him.
I sat on the edge of the counter as he made his way up to me, I didn't budge as his hand fell on my bare thigh.
"What are you exactly offering to do?" He asked me.

I smiled leaning in.
"Killing you is always an option if you don't remove your hand." I told him.
Mateo grinned removing his hand as he looked at me.
"Are you always that feisty?" He questioned.
I looked at him.
"Only to alphas who are just thinking with their dicks." I responded turning away from him to resume snooping.

"Hey, I'm not always thinking with my dick." Mateo argued which only made me smile shaking my head.
"Don't tell me you actually think with your brain sometimes." I teased the other.
"We have to use those?" He questioned as I turned back to only feel my breathing hitch from finding him right behind me.

"It's a miracle you've made it to the eleventh grade, Mateo Sawyer." I responded more quietly.
Mateo smirked softly.
"Good looking genes tend to get you some credit points." He shrugged.
"Oh you think you're good looking? You poor soul, who's been lying to you?" I joked as he leaned in.
"Almost the whole school." He grinned as I grinned back.
"What a slut-"
In seconds, his lips were on mine and pulling my hips into him.

I shivered from how hard he was.
"Wanna see what kind of slut I can be in the bedroom?" He suggested as his lips pressed against my neck.
I covered my mouth in response.
"It's the fact you said it in a sentence that makes me think you really don't use your brain." I told him but yelped being ripped off of the counter, giggling in response as my legs wrapped around the others waist as he grinned bringing us into the bedroom he would be sleeping in.
The room we would be sleeping in.

He placed me on the bed as he pulled off his shirt.
I looked up at him.
"Don't mark me." I told him.
He arched a brow.
"Talk about killing the mood." He grinned softly leaning in for a kiss as I scowled.
"I'm serious Mateo, it's obvious you just want someone to bone and I don't want you marking me like an immature child." I said now.

Mateo paused as his brows furrowed.
"Do you really think that low of me to actually mark you by accident?" He asked me.
I frowned sitting up.
"You didn't deny just wanting to bone, so I really don't know." My brows knitted as Mateo blinked before grinning.
"You really know how to kill a boner." He sighed getting off the bed as I watched him.

"Well excuse me for actually having standards-"
"Then what the fuck were we fixing to do if you have standards?" Mateo glared now as I glared back.
"Absolutely nothing, if I had known you were going to get so offended over me asking you not to mark me, I never would have let it go this far, you're behaving like a child." I pointed out.

"Whatever." Mateo shook his head pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Go back to cabinet searching and looking like a complete stuck up tease, Beau." He told me as my eyes grew wide.
"S-Stuck up?" I glared as Mateo arched a brow grinning at me.
"Yeah stuck up, you're around those Grimes kids too much because you're starting to act like a pure breed, news flash babe, you're just an omega who lives in a trailer house." He reminded me as I stood there.

"Fuck you, Mateo." I hissed storming past the other and went straight for the bedroom door.
I stood there with my hand on the knob, my heart racing with my face flushed red from anger and embarrassment.
I wasn't trying to act like a pure breed, I knew my place.
At least sometimes I did.

Letting out a frustrated sigh I pulled open the bedroom door but glared when Mateo shut it back and took my wrists.
"Let go of me." I growled at the other.
"Look, I'm sorry, I got heated. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did." He told me as my brows knitted.
"It's too late-"
"Don't let it be too late, look we don't even have to mess around. I like you okay, and I'm not trying to fuck it up but I hate it when everyone thinks I'm this big idiot, especially you." Mateo looked at me with hurt in his eyes as I stared at him, frowning softly I looked away.

"Well maybe you should try to actually think in serious situations, not to mention, you shouldn't get upset when someone tells you not to mark them. That's a serious thing Mateo-"
"I know, I just got upset because that was the first thing that came out of your mouth, I had no intentions of marking you I promise I didn't." He sighed bringing us down to the floor to sit there.

He finally let my wrists go as I frowned at him.
"Did you mean it when you called me stuck up?" I asked him.
Mateo blinked before he smirked softly.
"You do act stuck up sometimes Beau, anyone can vouch in agreement on that one, you don't notice it but we do. It's especially when you're around Quin and his siblings, you get real mouthy and act like we're all supposed to back off, for example. The other day when Asher made Quin upset-"
"That was yesterday-"
"Not the point, anyway, you were being mouthy about kicking his ass knowing you wouldn't stand a chance, that's some dangerous shit not even omegas should try to do. You know how quick pheromones can knock you out-"

"Because you guys cheat." I pointed out.
Mateo stared but he smiled.
"It's establishing dominance-"
"It's cheating and you know it." I smiled as he grinned in response.

Mateo sat there his hands still holding my wrists as I watched him.
"Why do you let Asher treat Quin like shit?" I found myself asking the other now.
Mateo blinked, his eyes meeting mine.
"Asher is his own person, I can't control what he does, the less drama in my life the better." He shrugged.
"But you think it's okay for him to do it?"
"I never said that." Mateo looked at me then at my wrists frowning softly.

"I don't agree with a lot of the things he does, just like he doesn't agree with the idea of me liking a certain feral omega." He smirked softly looking at me.
I arched a brow.
"You think I'm feral?"
"Oh I know you're feral Beau, there's no hiding that. Anyone in the school can confirm you're one hundred percent feral." He told me.

It made my brows furrow before looking away from him.
"I guess that makes me look pretty unattractive, huh?" I asked frowning now.
"I never said that either." Mateo smirked softly watching me.
"I think it makes you look challenging for alphas to tame, both you and Quin tend to forget you are omegas and I really think that's what makes Ash mad." He told me.
I looked back to him confused.

"Why would Quin being feral make Asher mad?"
"Because if Quin didn't act like a pain all of the time, Asher may actually like him enough for mate potential." Mateo studied me before leaning in.
"Like how I like you, but earlier you were pretty clear you didn't want to be marked by me." He said.

I glared blushing as I looked away now.
"If you're marked at an early age, you may end up missing out on something even better in the future. I don't know how Iggy Grimes did it by allowing himself to be marked by three people at sixteen years old, but that's a really big commitment to me.." I looked at him with knitted brows.
"Plus, I'm sure you'd end up regretting marking me by the time you graduated, and the only way to remove a wolves mark is through witches brew, and those guys haven't existed for a very long time." I said frowning.

"You sound so sure I'd regret marking you." I looked back at Mateo and my breath hitched at how close he was to my face.
"How do you get to assume what I'd regret, when all I'm about are challenges and you're the most challenging thing I want right now?" He asked, his lips nearly brushing mine.
I could feel my heart racing as my hand finally slid up his chest before his lips were on mine.

"We don't have to have sex." He whispered against my neck, his fingers brushing through my hair.
"Just let me hold you, let me make up for acting like a child earlier." He said kissing my skin as my neck leaned back exposing my throat that he sucked on, earning a moan to escape my lips.
It made my eyes burn as my hand reached up, brushing through his locks as my eyes closed as I tried to get lost in the world he was wanting to bring me into.

Could I really let my guard down around him?
Would that be okay for me to do?
To finally feel happy and actually want to be wanted by someone?

"I want to." I responded as Mateo paused, his eyes melted into mine.
"You want to what, Beau?" He questioned.
"Don't make me say it." I frowned blushing.
His eyes slightly widened but he grinned in response lifting me up, his lips on mine before carrying me back to the bed.

"Then let's try again, this time with no childish behavior." He said helping me out of my shorts as I helped him with his shirt.
"You were the one who got heated-"
"But you started it." Mateo pointed out kissing me as I rolled my eyes, grinning as he did so.
"What was that about no childish behavior?" I teased the other as he grinned bringing my legs over his shoulders before his mouth was taking me in and I was crying out.

My body felt like it was on fire as my nails dug into the other, the harder he went the more I craved for him to keep hitting that same spot, the tears that rolled down my cheeks and the sweat that drenched us both.
By the time we were done.
I was desperate for a nap.

It felt like an hour rolled by before my eyes were opening and I was wrapped up in blankets with Mateo's head right on my chest, fast asleep.
I rubbed my eyes, letting out a yawn in response which stirred a reaction out of the other before he was blinking and looking around.

"Oh hey, been here long?" Mateo gave me a tired grin as I rolled my eyes at the other.
"We need to shower, we're both being bad friends to the ones we brought here." I told him getting out of the bed completely naked as Mateo watched.

"I'm sure Ash found something to do to entertain himself, the same with Quin, it's like you said before. He's a big boy who doesn't need me to hold his hand everywhere he goes." Mateo grinned getting out of bed now as I watched the other, taking him in as my mouth went dry.
"Yeah well," I looked away.
"That's besides the point." I responded clearing my throat as Mateo smirked lifting me up as I grinned.

"Uh huh, well let's go shower then, you fucking stink." He teased as I shoved him grinning.
"You smell worse than I do, when's the last time you actually showered?"
Mateo was hesitant.
"What's today?"
My eyes grew wide.
"YOU'RE GROSS." I cried as he laughed rushing us into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him then locking it.

I guess it was round two while we showered?
Not that I minded.
But first things first.

He needed soap.
And A LOT of it.

An Omegas Curse [BOOK FOUR]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz