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"Dance with me." 

It was a joke, something that had gone on long enough, we both should have put an end to it right from the beginning.
He saw me as nothing more than candy in the jar waiting to be picked up and savored.
And here I was, in front of everyone, waiting to be laughed at as he stood in front of me with his hand opened, waiting for me to take it.
I knew what his plan was, and it wasn't for me to fall in love all over again.
It was to make a joke out of something I wanted to be real.
But to humor him and the rest of these clowns.
I took his hand.
Letting him dance us into the hellfire the two of us created.
Without a damn idea on how to stop the brakes.
Love was insane.
Love was madness.

"Can I not go to school?" I requested standing in the kitchen where papa was at the coffee pot, making his and dads coffee.
"Oh funny, attempting jokes are we?" He questioned with a grin.

"Why attempt when the biggest joke here is Quin?" I heard my brother Jinx question walking in from behind me as I turned with a glare.
"What was that?" I growled.
Jinx smirked.
"You heard me, not even our first day back from the holidays and you wanna whine already." He pointed out as my eye twitched.
"I am NOT whining, you'll be the one whining when I-"

"When you what?" Jinx grinned at me.

"Knock it off Jinx, it's too early for you to be picking fights with Quin." Iggy yawned walking into the kitchen with Omega and Amber both half awake.

"Good morning you three." Papa greeted them as Amber rubbed her eyes.
"Morning papa, also, why are you picking fights with Quin anyway?" She dared to ask.

"He's an easy target." Jinx shrugged.
I glared.
"Ironically enough, so are vampires when they're being staked." I growled now.

"Okay easy." Papa grinned at us as Jinx stood right in front of me.
"Wanna test that theory?" Jinx challenged.
I glared harder.
"Don't tempt me Jinx." I growled.

"If you five are not out that door by seven thirty there is fixing to be a line of ass whoopings for each of you." Dad warned walking into the kitchen looking exhausted.
"I also do not know what's going on between the two of you." He pointed at me and Jinx.
"But fix it, it's your first day back to school and there is no sense in there being drama this early in the morning, or even threatening one another." He walked over to the coffee pot as papa smiled at him.

"Good morning baby-"
"Don't Magna, you are supposed to end the fights, not keep letting it escalate." Dad growled.
Papa raised his hands in defense.
"I wasn't going to let it escalate Moxie, who do you think I am?" He asked the other.
Dad studied the other before he sighed softly and rested his head on the others shoulder who was quick to embrace him.
They stayed like that for a minute before dad turned to us.

"Good morning kids, please have a good first day back, try not to kill anyone." Dad paused as he looked at Iggy.
"And Iggy, please tell Oakley to stay out of the cooking class, last I heard, he blew something up because he wanted to learn to cook." He said.
Iggy blinked but grinned.
"I'll make sure to relay the message." He responded heading to the door after hearing a horn outside honk.

"That's Auggie, I'll see you guys at school." Iggy said leaving us.

I stood there frowning softly.
I looked up to our dad who stood there with this soft expression on his face.
"Remember to breathe, you know Jinx likes to give you a hard time-"
"He's not the only one.." I grumbled which made dad smile softly.
"But he's still your brother and they're known to give their siblings a hard time, it shows they care about you, in a weird way." Dad shrugged with a grin as he reached and ruffled my blond hair.
"Try to have a good day, that's all you can do." He told me.

Biting my gum I just nodded in response as I grabbed my bag.
"I'll try." I responded heading out the door as my best friend's silver camry drove up.

"Sup slut." Beau Morris rolled the passenger window down as he looked at me through his sunglasses.
I just grinned getting in the car and threw my bag in the back.
"About time whore, I was ready to get out of that hellhole before my dad started preaching more about fitting in at school." I complained.
The brunet grinned pushing his shades back that exposed his baby blue eyes.
"Sounds like hell, glad my parents don't care about me too much so I don't have to deal with that kind of mess." He commented.
I only sighed.
"I kind of wish mine cared a little less, it's almost sickening how loving and supportive they really are." I told him.

Beau glanced to me.
"It's better than the streets though, right?" He asked me.
I stared before looking out the window with a frown.
"Way better." I responded.
"You never did say what happened to your parents-"
"I don't want to talk about it Beau, and I really don't know if I ever will." I frowned deeply.

No matter how hard I tried to swallow that pill, the scars burned deep and everywhere ached in response.
And I mean, everywhere.

"Shit, his trucks here." I hissed as Beau drove into the school's parking lot.
Beau arched a brow.
"Whose truck?"
"Fucking Ashers." I glared but felt this relief seeing that the truck was empty on the inside.

"I thought you were over that one sided crush?" Beau questioned.
"I am! But he's still acting like a massive dick, all I did was hint I was into him but all that got me was looking like a complete idiot and called a street rat." I frowned deeply.

Beau rolled his eyes getting out of the car.

"First of all, you are not a street rat, secondly? Fuck what Asher Woods thinks, this is going to be your year, well mine too, but right now we're talking about you." He grinned as I smiled at him.
"Thanks Beau-"
"Hold up slut I'm not finished, this is going to be your year where you show Asher what he's missing out on, you're going to find an alpha or a vampire-"
"No vampires-"
"Got it, you're going to find a alpha WORTHY of your love and affection not the other way around, and the moment Asher realizes what he's missing out on? It'll be too late." Beau told me.

I just stood there grinning at him.
"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" I asked him.
Beau smirked.
"Sorry Quin, I'm not into omegas." He teased as I shoved him.
"Lucky for you, I'm not into omegas either." I responded as he hooked arms with me.
I stopped at the lockers as Iggy came up to me with one of his mates, August Summers.
I frowned at the other.
"What's up?"
Iggy looked at me.
"About this morning with Jinx-"
"Seriously? It's fine Iggy, I'm over it." I frowned at the other.

Iggy frowned in response.
"Are you sure? Because Jinx knows how to poke, he did that forever with Omega until papa finally snapped." He told me.
My arms crossed.
"I'm positive, there's no way I'm going to let someones insults get to me, especially a vampires." I responded.

I frowned as Lawless Ray walked up quickly kissing Iggy.
"Rough morning?" Lawless questioned.
Iggy gave the other a sad smile.
"Something like that, we're going to head to class Quin, are you sure you're going to be okay?" He asked me.
I frowned deeply.
"Yes, now get going before you're late," I looked away.
"I know how important your studies are to you." I added trying not to get flustered.

Iggy blinked but he smiled softly.
"I'll see you in third period, try to survive until then." He told me before walking away with August and Lawless.

I stood there with knitted brows before ripping open my locker door to only have it slam back shut.
My eyes were wide and I was glad my hand wasn't inside of it because that would have hurt.
Daring myself as much as I didn't want to, my eyes fell to the left of me.

"Hey street rat, thought I wouldn't come and greet you on the first day back?" I felt my stomach twisting in knots at the sight of him.
Asher Woods.
Tall, built and full of dick energy.
His black hair was a mess like usual and his blue eyes were practically glowing at the sight of me.

"I was actually hoping you got into a tragic accident that would have landed you hospitalized, just to find out you'd have to move forward in a wheelchair." I responded looking at the alpha who only smirked in response.
"Feisty as ever, with an attitude like that, you'll be lucky to ever find an alpha that would want you as their mate." He leaned in.
"But then again? No one exactly wants a mate that lived on the streets like trash, and that's what you reek of." Asher told me as I glared at him.

"If that's case, what are you doing on the streets if you know what it smells like? Money so tight you have to sell yourself, Asher Woods?" I taunted but hissed being slammed into the lockers as students gasped and ran to their classrooms.

"I think you're getting a little too mouthy street rat." Asher smirked at me as I glared at him.
"And I think your ego is getting an ego by thinking you're all that just because you're a fucking alpha." I spat at him but my body felt weak all of a sudden.
Pheromones were being let out as Asher stared at me.
"Good thing I don't care what you think street rat, otherwise I may have felt something just then." He responded.

"Hot damn, I can't leave you alone for a whole five minutes before your landing your fine ass in trouble, what am I going to do with you?" 
I blinked as Beau practically ripped me away from Asher who growled in response.

"You're interrupting us, Morris." He growled.
Beau blinked before flipping the other off.
"Interrupt this, Woods, we have class to get to and I already told this one this is going to be his year. Don't go chasing after him now all because he's beautiful, you had your chance, now you can go look for the left overs in the dumpster. See ya." Beau grinned at him before pulling me away.
"Okay seriously, what was that?" I asked the other in first period.
Beau blinked before shrugging.
"Adrenaline rush? I saw the situation and my best friend instincts kicked in, I should have known he was going to target you the first chance he got." He sighed.

"Who's targeting who?" Our friend Kipper Olson questioned sitting behind the two of us, he had wavy brown hair and sandy brown eyes that were usually hidden behind his bangs.

"Asher drama." Beau told the other.
Kipper made a face.
Beau nodded with a sigh.
"Unfortunately, the poor fella was too late to realize how sexy our dear friend Quin Grimes was, and now he's out there using pheromones and-"

"Wait, I thought using pheromones on school property was against the rules?" Kipper questioned.
I blinked looking at Beau.
"You think I'm sexy?"

"Off topic Q, seriously, isn't that against the rules?" Kipper looked at Beau who was already looking at Kipper.
"I thought it was only a rumor?" Beau arched a brow at the other.
Kippers eye twitched.
"Just how often do you pay attention to the school website?"
"You actually read that stuff? What a nerd." Beau laughed.

"Don't scream at me, I'm sensitive." Beau whined as Kipper's eye twitched before he rubbed his temples.
"I'm pretty sure it's against the rules to use pheromones on school property, when we break for next period, go to the website-"
"Couldn't we just I don't know, ask the teacher or principal?" I questioned.

Kipper stared.
"Oh, yeah I guess we could do that." He shrugged.

I sat there frowning as the teacher came in before arching a brow once Kipper raised his hand.
The teacher only sighed.

"Yes, Mr.Olson?" She questioned.
Kipper looked at her.
"Just out of curiosity, isn't it against school rules to use your pheromones on school property?" He asked her.
She blinked before frowning.
"Yes actually, it can lead up to school suspension and if the student does it again once they've returned from the suspension, they can be expelled." She explained.
Kipper nodded.
"Just making sure, thank you." He said as she nodded heading to her desk to get today's lesson started.

Beau turned to me.
"There you go, all you have to do now is report that prick to the principal and you'll be free of him for a few days, or even better idea! Piss him off again to where he'll get expelled, then you'll never have to deal with him again." He grinned at me.

Those were both really good ideas.
I loved the thought of seeing Asher's ass getting kicked out of Crossroads High.
But at the same time.

I still loved the idea of seeing him every day.
So now I was at a crossroads.

Do I tattle like a middle schooler, or do I keep taunting him because I actually liked the attention?
What to do, what to do...

I'll figure it out sooner or later.

I hope.

Hello everyone! 
H.Stowe here and I am back with BOOK 4, if you are new here you may want to go back and read the last three books to get an understanding of what's been going on (Unless you like to be confused then that's cool too, read on lmao)
So it took me a little over a week to get book 4 up and going, mostly because I got sick during half of my break ':D I am still recovering but I really wanted to get this up and going because I've been excited to introduce the new characters!

Beau is going to be our dynamite with no filter, he's almost a feral omega but not quite that, that's how he was easily able to pull Quin from the pheromone trap.
Jinx and Quin do not HATE each other to clear that up, they will fight occasionally like most siblings usually do.

Book 4 is definitely going to be a trip with everything I have planned, I don't know for sure how long this book will be, it may be as long as book one or could be close to book three, it just depends on everything that happens within that time.

Until then, I hope you guys are ready for what I have in store!

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