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"Beau's on his way to pick you up for the lake?" Dad questioned the next morning standing in my room as I tossed a few clothes into the bag, everyone forgot Monday was a holiday so we were getting an extra day of freedom.
It also made up for yesterday since I didn't get to go when everyone else did.

"Is that okay?" I turned to the other as dad's arms crossed before he sighed softly.
"Quin, I mean, you were just attacked yesterday. Doesn't that frighten you to go anywhere after something so recent just happened?" He asked me.
I stared at him before rubbing the side of my arm.
"I'd be lying if I said no, but we've been planning on this lake trip and I really want to go." I told the other.

Dad stared before he sighed with a sad smile.
"Alright, but if you get scared at any point or want to leave, you know we're just a phone call away." He told me.
I blinked but smiled softly.
"Thanks, I'll see you guys on Monday." I told him.
He was hesitant but smiled.
"Please stay safe." He said as I smiled turning to him as we walked down the hall.
"I will be, I promise." I responded wanting to reassure the other.

I went to turn but only let out a small gasp bumping right into papa who arched a brow at the two of us.
"Where are you off to?" He asked me.
"The lake, Magna, he's already late so let him by." Dad told the other.
Papa blinked with an expression full of questions but he just sighed, reaching up and ruffled my hair.
"Stay safe." He told me as my eyes lit up with a nod before darting past him and out the door.

"Damn boy your face is a total yikes." Beau looked at me as I crawled into the car before frowning at him.
"I know." I responded.
I had the option to let Emmy heal me last night, but I felt like I needed these bruises to be a punishment for lying from how everything was going for me so far, so I managed to convince my parents to let me heal naturally.
Even though I was still in a lot of pain.

"Are your parents going to do a town sweep to find out who attacked you?" Beau questioned driving down the road as I shook my head.
"Nope, I don't know what the attackers even look like so it would be a total waste of time, my dad almost didn't let me leave this morning." I told the other.
Beau looked to me.
"Low-key I wouldn't have blamed him, but at the same time, you would have missed out at a bomb ass time hanging out at the lake with your favorite person." He grinned at me.

I just grinned.
"You are my favorite person?" I asked him.
Beau grinned.
"Biiitch, I better be, I have your back no matter what. It's more than what the rest of our friends do." He pointed out with a shrug.
I smirked.
"If that's how you feel, why invite them to the lake?" I asked.
"Oh I didn't." He stared ahead.

I stared.
"You.. didn't? Beau!"
"They're boring okay? We can have a bomb time with it just being the two of us, we don't need the extra weight-"
"But wasn't it Hazel's idea to start with?" I asked him.
Beau's lips formed a thin line.
"Wow." I laughed shaking my head at the other.
"If it's like that, why don't we just stop hanging out with them?"
"I do! But they're like leaches." Beau sighed pulling down a dirt road as I shook my head looking out the window.

"You're really unbelievable, what are you going to tell them on Tuesday when they bring up the lake?" I asked him.
Beau shrugged with a grin.
"That other plans came up? I don't know yet, I just didn't feel like dealing with them, plus I'm sure Riley would rather be with her crush, she didn't seem all too thrilled going anyway-"
"What about the boys? I know Cody wanted to come-"
"There's always other lake trips, this time can just be for us." Beau grinned at me.

"Another reason I didn't say anything about the lake, apparently the house we're staying at only has four rooms and according to the website, two of those rooms were rented out-"
"Hold on, we're sharing a house for two days with strangers?" I asked with knitted brows.
Beau glanced to me.
"I'm pretty sure they're teenagers, or at least that's what I keep telling myself, look everything will be okay let's not panic yet." He smiled.
"With you? I'm already panicking." I sighed as he pulled up to the lake house.
"We're the first ones here so that's a relief." Beau commented grabbing his bag as I grabbed mine and headed for the door.
Except it came open and my blood ran cold.

"That was a fast trip, just how fast did you drive-- oh shit." Mateo stood on the other side of the door looking at us with wide eyes.
Beau stood there with annoyance in his.
"You've gotta be kidding me, you were the other party renting this house for the weekend?" He asked him.
Mateo grinned.
"Afraid so, not that I'm disappointed considering this makes things so much more interesting." He responded.
Beau's eye twitched.
"Glad we could do that for you, alright Quin, I'll find us another house-"

"Whoa come on, don't be like that, we'll play nice. Look it's a big house, the four of us don't have to interact if that's what you want, but all those other houses are already rented out and no offense, but I don't think either of you know how to put up a tent." Mateo arched a brow at us.

Beau was glaring and I just sighed.
"It's fine, it's like he said, we don't have to interact with each other. I just want to put my bag down and go down to the water." I said walking past Mateo who watched me.

"Did your pops kill the one who attacked you like that?" Mateo questioned and it threw me off as I paused turning to him, fixing to answer my stomach only knotted up as he walked in and froze seeing both me and Beau in the house.
I just frowned deeply at Mateo.

"No." I answered shortly before making my way to the room I would be sleeping in for the next two nights.
I stood inside of the room and tried not to let my emotions get the best of me.
I wanted to scream, cry and hit stuff but I wouldn't do that.
Everything that happened was because of me, now I just had to deal with it.
"Heading down to the water?" Beau questioned as I walked past the kitchen to find him looking through the cabinets.
I paused and arched a brow at the others actions.
"Yeah, but what are you doing?" I asked him.
Beau blinked but grinned.
"Being nosey, sometimes drunks leave valuables, mostly money; but! I wanted to see if I would get lucky for some free cash. I don't think it's going to happen though." He sighed.

I stared before smiling softly as I shook my head at him.
"Well good luck, I'm going to test the water." I told him.
"Have fun, let me know if it's freezing." Beau commented as I nodded walking outside but only scowled at the two standing at Mateo's truck, they paused what they were doing and looked at me as I ignored both of them and headed for the trail that would lead to the water.

How did we have to get unlucky enough to get roomed with those two?
I keep making things worse with Asher so I already knew this weekend was going to be hell.
Maybe it was a good thing that Beau didn't mention the lake anymore to Cody and the others.
Where would everyone sleep?

I walked onto the dock as the lakes water surrounded the wood surface, making my way to the end of it, I sat my towel down and took a seat, dipping my legs into the water.

"Ah.." I leaned my head back and just tried to relax despite my face aching the whole time.

"Is it cold?"
My stomach knotted up before looking over my shoulder to find Asher there, except he was alone.
I frowned deeply at him but shook my head looking ahead now at the trees that were on the other side of the lake.

"Cool." He took a seat which only made my blood run cold as I went to get up but was surprised when he caught my wrist.
"Sit." He told me.
I was hesitant but sat back down continuing to stare ahead.

"Mateo told me to play nice for the next two days and because I don't want to feel miserable the whole time, I agreed." Asher looked to me but I ignored his gaze as he frowned.
"So if you'll just look past what was said this week that way we can actually enjoy-"

"If I'll look past what was said? You mean the hurtful things you said because you wanted a reaction out of me?" I glared.
Asher's jaw clenched.
"Right I wanted a reaction, so is that why you decided to be a whore by throwing yourself at Ambrose of all alphas? To get a reaction out of me?" He asked.

My eyes widened.
"I didn't throw myself at him, you used my past against me like it wouldn't actually hurt me, and then you fucking judged me when all I'm really trying to do is survive. What I do in my private life is my business, I mean I'm nothing more than a street rat who tips the scale of a perfect family right?" I asked him before getting to my feet and dived right into the lakes water, wishing I wouldn't come back up.

When I came back up I was surprised to find him still here, sitting with his eyes locked right on me which made me scowl.

Asher watched me.
"I'm just trying to figure you out, you're supposed to be an omega but you act nothing like an omega." He told me as my face flushed red.
"E-Excuse me?" I glared.
Asher smirked.
"Your mouth and attitude towards alphas are all wrong, you and that other omega should have been born as betas or vampires, it would have made more sense." He shrugged.
My eye twitched in response to that.

"Oh, and I'm guessing you know how an omega is supposed to act?" I asked him.
Asher tilted his head which made my heart start to race.
"I do actually, they're supposed to be so much nicer than how you act-"
"You're literally the reason I don't act nice." I pointed out with an arched brow.
Asher stared but shrugged with a grin.
"Besides the point, they're also more restraint with their sexual appeal, unless they're in heat." He told me as I swam closer to the dock.

"I really don't need a lesson on how to be an omega coming from the school's biggest jerk." I told him.
"Oh I'm the school's biggest jerk? What an honor." He responded as I placed my hands on the edge of the dock swimming there.

"You want to talk about trying to figure me out, how about you? Even if Mateo wanted you to play nice, you're supposed to apparently hate me. So this playing act nice card is kind of grossing me out." I told him.
"Who ever said I was still playing?" Asher asked me as my eyes slightly widened looking at him.
Asher watched me before smirking softly.

"Why don't you get out of the water before you exhaust yourself?" He suggested.
He was throwing me off guard, and it was enough to want to put it back up as I lifted myself up and sat on the edge of the dock, this time next to the other.

"I'm only saying this once, if you tell anyone I'll deny it and make your life hell at school." Asher told me as I arched a brow.
"You mean more than you already do?" I questioned.
It made him grin softly.
"Fair enough, but anyway." He sighed leaning back.

"I'm sorry for using your past against you for a reaction, no matter how you look at it. I was in the wrong, and I apologize for going that far." He said.

I stared at him before looking ahead.
The feelings I had for him, I wanted to burn, but now?
He was making it really hard to do.

This wasn't fair.
Because it made me want to try harder to be a better omega.
One that would really win his attention.
But the burning question was.

Would I win?

An Omegas Curse [BOOK FOUR]Where stories live. Discover now