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"I just worry about him." I sighed sitting at the coffee shop with Ziggy and Rocky who sat across from me.
"He's a teenager Mox, hell, they all are. It's perfectly normal to be worried about them." Ziggy replied taking a drink of his coffee.
"I know but this time feels different, compared to Omega and Jinx, Quin really worries me because he lets his past define him." I told them.

Rocky arched a brow.
"What happened with his past?"
I frowned softly.
"He grew up molested and was raped by his parents then the ones who saved him from that hell, turned around and also raped him. Quin doesn't think he deserves to be happy because he's this broken boy who won't give anything a chance." I sighed taking a drink of my coffee.

"Why does it seem like you guys always have some kind of hell to face? If it's not wolves, it's vampires and if it's not vampires. It's someone suffering." Rocky rubbed his temples.
"I really thought me and Jackie would face some of our own troubles, but it's usually us facing your troubles which tends to be more exciting." He shrugged.

Ziggy arched a brow at the other.
"Someone else's drama is more exciting than watching Jackie struggle to open a pickle jar?" He asked the other.
Rocky grinned deviously.
"You got me there." He shrugged taking a drink of his tea.
I blinked looking at the vampire.

"Jackie can't open a pickle jar?" I questioned.
Rocky smirked softly at me.
"I'm sure he can but the dork likes to be super dramatic not to mention embarrassing." He sighed.
Ziggy grinned at the other then turned his attention back to me.

"So, have you two decided on names?" He asked looking at my stomach.
I blushed but smiled softly.
"We have, there was a bit of bickering, but our daughters names will be Sunny and Stormy." I told them.

"I love it." Ziggy grinned at me.
"That will put you at seven children, isn't it overwhelming?" He questioned.
I shook my head.
"Not at all, especially when we're able to afford our home and can afford the food for our children, it's honestly exciting knowing we're having twins." I said taking a drink of my coffee, placing my hand on my stomach.

"And now that no more clans are after hybrids, I won't be as worried if either of them come out as Eve's, we'll tell them to embrace who they are and not to run from it." I smiled softly but my brows knitted as the clouds darkened over the town.

"Were we expecting rain today?" I asked now.
Rocky looked out the window with a frown.
"No, should we head back to your place?" He suggested.
I nodded getting to my feet with Ziggy's support.

"Yeah, the last thing I want is us getting trapped here." I commented walking out of the coffee shop with the two as the wind blew hard, nearly knocking Rocky off his feet as he glared up at the sky.

"GET OFF YOUR PERIOD!" He yelled as both Ziggy and I stared at the other.
"Rocky, the sky doesn't have a period-"
"Dude, as bipolar as it is right now, it might as well have one." Rocky argued with a shrug.

I smiled softly at the other.
"He has a point." I grinned but frowned as the thunder roared above us.

"Let's go." I said heading down the street.

The rain was coming down harder the closer we got to the house but I came to a stop which made the other two halt.
"What's wrong, Moxie?" Ziggy asked me.
"Yeah, it's pouring out here." Rocky frowned at me.

I looked around.
"Do you guys hear that?" I asked them.
The two exchanged looks before looking back at me.
"Hear what?" Ziggy asked.

I frowned.
"Crying." I said as my feet moved on their own, leaving the two.
"Mox wait, it's pouring out here!" Ziggy called after me as I ran back down the street.
Was this what they called maternal instincts?
I knew it was a child crying.
I just wasn't sure which direction.
It was getting harder to see from the rain pouring down as hard as it was.
I finally came to a stop as I stood in front of an alley.
It wasn't raining as hard as it was down it, like it was on the streets.

An Omegas Curse [BOOK FOUR]Where stories live. Discover now