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I wasn't sure what time it was the next morning, but when my eyes opened.
Asher wasn't in my bed like the night before.
"Let me love you."
Those words kept repeating in my head which made my heart not only race, but ache at the same time.
I laid there frowning as my brows knitted.
It was Monday and it felt like nothing was changing.
I kept ruining everything because I was terrified of change.

Frowning deeply, I brought my palms to my eyes and let out a groan before sitting up and looked out the window at the trees.
The storm from yesterday created quite the mess but it finally settled down which made it easier to fall asleep soon after.

Crawling out of the bed, I made my way to the bedroom door, hesitating to pull it open.
I knew I couldn't hide from Asher.
Especially after he sounded so determined.
Why me though?
Last Monday he hated my guts, I disgusted him.
I stood there with my heart beating and a flushed face.

He was being this soft alpha who made me want to lower my guard around.
Who I wanted to protect me at all costs.
I was so confused.

Sighing softly, I finally made myself pull open the door to only have my stomach growl at the sudden smell of food cooking.

Cautiously, I walked towards the kitchen with my arms crossed.
I stood at the entrance, watching the one I was nervous to be around, cooking at the stove.
His back was to me.
Biting my bottom lip, I looked away with a frustrated look.

"Did you sleep well?"
I froze looking back at Asher who was looking at me now.
My throat was dry and I found it nearly impossible to breathe looking at the other.
I couldn't find my voice, so I just nodded in response to the others question.

It made him give me this tired smirk before motioning for me to join the other.
Hesitating, my brows were knitted but I moved forward regardless of how nervous I felt.
I slowly approached the other before I was standing in front of him now.
Our bodies were almost touching as he looked down at me.

"You're a horrible liar." He told me, bringing the palm of his hand to my cheek, caressing the bone as his eyes burned into mine.
"Were you lonely?" He asked.
The question made my face catch fire.

"No, of course not." I growled embarrassed now looking away from the other.
It made him chuckle in response.
"Not only are you a bad liar Quin, you're agitated but I would tone down the heat trying to come out." He leaned forward.
"You'll trigger the alpha in both me and Mateo, and I would hate to fight my best friend over someone he's not even interested in." He told me.

I glared at him.
"I'm not in heat."
"Not yet, but you will be sooner than later." He whispered and it made my body shiver in response before I backed up.

"Why are you doing this?"
"Doing what?"
"Being this other person around me, last week you hated me-"
"And now I don't." He told me taking my hands, lacing them with his as he brought my knuckles to his lips, kissing them.
"Is it such a crime to change for an omega I was like?" He asked me.
"Yes!" I told him and he laughed looking at me.

"Do you not like me, Quin?" He tilted his head with his brow arching.
My brows knitted.
"Don't look at me like that." I looked away.
"Like what?"
"Like you not only want to eat me, but you want to love me." I looked back at him with tears in my eyes.
"I'm so scared to let my guard around you Asher I could cry, this whole thing feels like a joke-"
"It's not." He said with promise but I just couldn't find it in myself to believe him.
And that was what made the tears fall.

I backed myself away from the other.
"Don't." I cut him off and his expression fell looking at me as I stared back.
"I've thought it over and over and there's just no way someone like you, would ever truly want someone like me." I stood there trembling as Beau and Mateo made their way into the room but froze looking at us.

An Omegas Curse [BOOK FOUR]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon