Chapter 47 - [smut] The Bayou

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Wolves with smut as requested

Nik nips at me and I growl back causing him to take off running through the nearest trees. I chase after him, exactly like he wanted and he turns around to check I'm keeping up.

I'm so excited to be let loose in the Bayou with my mate. This is even better than I thought it would be. It's so nice to hear the wind whistling through through the trees and the feel of it against my thick fur is so freeing. I feel wonderful, I almost feel human again.

After a few hours of running, Nik stops in a little clearing ahead of me so I decide to have some fun and hide in the bushes close by as he waits for me to join him. After a minute alone he stands back up and circles the clearing, looking for me. He ensured I was following him along the way so he's a little anxious as to why I've not come out of the trees behind him.

His sharp eyes look my way and I flatten my body to the ground, camouflaging myself. I pin my ears to the sides of my head to hide better and his eyes sweep over me before moving on.

I've tricked him. I've actually managed to trick him. I stay as still as a statue and watch in dismay as he starts sniffing around for my scent. There's no way he won't find me now, the game will be over.

I let him come closer and closer, feeling a little guilty when he whines aloud but I still don't reveal myself. He's so close he must be able to smell me but I've hidden myself well.

He doesn't see me unless he's pretending for my benefit. I wouldn't put it past him but this is good fun in any case and I'm enjoying this time for our wolves to be together.

As he turns away from me I leap out from under the bush and land on his back. His head whips round in surprise and we roll over and over in the dirt. I gently bite his tail and he snaps back at me playfully.

Jumping on him again, he throws me off gently and I growl to tell him I'm not giving up that easily. Leaves and twigs stick to us but we continue rolling getting covered in them. His wolfy grin reflects my own and we play and chase each other around for a submission.

He lets me win.

He could easily beat me and make me submit but he doesn't, instead he allows me to exhaust myself trying before subtly encouraging me to clamp my teeth over his throat when I'm beneath him to make him submit to me instead.

And he does. He lets me flip him over so I'm on top and whines in submission. I know he's given it to me but the fact he made me work for it makes me love him even more. He won't ever submit to anyone else. Only me. Only his mate. His Alpha Female.

I release my light hold on his throat and lick his cheek in a flirty manner. I roll to the side and nuzzle against his chin, finding comfort in the soft warm fur of my mate's wolf. He licks me back too before growling softly and happily.

Shaking off, I saunter down to the river desperately needing to cool down after playing in the sun all afternoon. The sun is beating down on my thick fur, and even with the cool wind I'm overheating. Nik must be too since he's joining me, I thought he'd just watch.

I enter the cool water with my mate not far behind and relax as I feel the chilly temperature of the water lapping around my legs. Nik comes up behind me, suddenly knocking me over and I stumble, unable to stay on all fours. My body, head and ears all go under and when I resurface he is standing there triumphantly with a cheeky look on his wolfy features.

Did he really just push me in? What a cheeky bastard.

Launching myself at him for what must be the hundredth time today, he allows me to push him under too and we end up a tangle of limbs and wet fur. Extracting myself from him is difficult as he tries to keep me close, following me when I pull back slightly.

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