Chapter 21 - The Mate Bond

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To my horror, the first person I see as I arrive at the compound is Nik. He blinks twice as if in shock that I'm actually here before rushing to greet me, immediately apologising and taking my suitcase from my hands. I tense up, unsure how to respond as he tells me he wishes I never left. It's really nice to see him again. I have to hold myself back from giving him a hug and telling him how much I missed him too. I'm still angry and I want to forgive him but we need to chat about honesty if we're going to be friends again.

"I'm here for Maeve not for you," I tell him and his face falls. "But I'm not opposed to having a chat with you at some point. It's not nice arguing with you."

He understands and helps me with my suitcase. I debate leaving him to go and find Maeve but she is probably busy if she hasn't seen me come in. I take a seat on the bed and gesture for him to sit next to me.

"If you want to see me again, not just in passing when I visit Maeve, we have to promise each other no more secrets. No more hiding anything or lying to each other. Okay?" I ask seriously and he meets my eyes before slowly nodding.

"I'm sorry," he starts and I initially panic thinking he is going to refuse. "I thought you would leave me when you found out and then you did, confirming all my fears. I should have told you before but I was scared you would leave me."

"I left because you weren't honest, not because you killed my mum. While I hate it, we can't go back and change it. I knew all about the sacrifice before and wasn't upset by it. I don't suddenly hate you, I wish you hadn't done it but I don't hate you."

He seems relieved at my words as I explain how I feel. I can't suddenly hate him for the fact he's killed people in the sacrifice, even now I know one of them was my mum. I was unbothered about it before, taking my words back and hating him would be hypocritical. I can't say it's okay and then change my mind, it wouldn't be fair or true. I'm mad he killed her but he didn't know me then.

"No more secrets?" I ask him again.

"I have to explain a few things if you want that love," he tells me and I reconsider for a moment. Do I really want to know? He has given me a way out of this if I don't want to know but if I want to at least be friends with him there can't be any big secrets between us.

"I want to know," I say confidently. "I want to know everything, I will not be the only ignorant one around here."

He takes a deep breath before evidently wondering where to start. Although I know he's agreeing with me for neither of us to keep any secrets, I pray that he doesn't ask me about Nathan or activating my curse. I won't lie to him but I will tell him I don't want to discuss it if he asks which is almost the same. It's what infuriated me about Elijah a while ago and would definitely make me a hypocrite for proceeding to do the same. I can guarantee Nik would not be pleased, especially if I've made him tell me everything but refuse to do the same. I shift uncomfortably where I am sitting but he doesn't notice.

"When we turned 1,000 years ago, our father made it so each of his children would not spend eternity alone. My mother created soulmates for us, mates, who are our other halves. She said it would also help to control the negative aspects of being vampires such as blood lust and amplified personality traits and emotions."

He pauses and turns to look at me. I'm not sure where he is going with this but I allow him to continue without interruption.

"We would be drawn to our mates and find them at some point in our lives. Only mates would be able to send sparks racing through each other bodies at a simple touch and be able to feel each other's pain."

"Wait, but we..." I don't finish my sentence, "are you saying...?"

"Yes, yes Claudia. I feel it too. I knew it the very first time I saw you. It was evident to your father as well during the full moon."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? How did Dad know? And why were you so rude to me when we met then?" My questions come tumbling out but he listens and answers each one so patiently.

"You would have bolted if I told you any earlier. I couldn't lose you. Your Dad saw you had complete control over your wolf when you had transformed the first time which is not usually possible, he saw you with me that night and realised you are my mate."

I remember him saying I wouldn't have control when I shifted and I never got round to asking him why I did. And then after our argument I had no control on the full moon when I wasn't with him. It also makes sense as to why Dad was suddenly okay with me and Nik, or at least wasn't angry about it when I first went back to see him. At that point he wasn't too happy either but he did let me leave to New Orleans. He also tried to persuade me to go back and talk to Nik too.

"I was rude initially because I thought you would be a target," Nik explains. "You were human and had no idea about all this, I wanted to protect you. And I was perplexed, I didn't think I had a mate."

"Why not? You said you were all given mates when you turned. Had you given up looking for me?"

The thought that he might have given up saddens me a lot, but I can hardly blame him after 1,000 years. I don't know what all this means but I can't deny what he is describing. I feel it too, I'm drawn to him and I can't help it although it scares me to death knowing I'm meant to be with him and I can't control it. I would normally be frustrated at my lack of choice in the matter but I already care for him so much, I just want to be around him, with him, all the time.

"I didn't think I had a mate," he elaborates scowling as he does so. "My father lied to me about not having one. He said only his true children were given that gift. Maeve was assumed to be the last Mikaelson mate found, he tried to hurt her too a while ago. I'm terrified he will find out about you if he doesn't know already."

I reassure him on the topic of his father reflecting on what he has already told me about him before mulling over his words. Maeve's shock makes sense now, as does the conversation I overheard between Nik and Elijah at the wedding. I remember Maeve wishing she had set us up earlier after claiming we would be perfect for one another. Finally the truth is putting everything in perspective, helping me understand everything that everyone else seemed to already know. I'm glad I put my foot down and demanded answers.

"Are Maeve and Elijah mates?" I ask but I'm sure I already know the answer.


"What about Celeste?"

"Elijah has not taken many lovers over our 1,000 years of being vampires. He did not know when he would meet her. But an eternity is a long time. I did warn him at the time but I didn't think much of it as I knew he would eventually find her. And that he did."

"What about Celeste now? Maeve told me she's not dead. She's using Jannah's body."

"She will be irrelevant to Elijah now he has his mate. No one can compare." Nik grins at me lovingly.

"Elijah kissed her," I spill Maeve's worries. "Maeve saw it, that's why I'm here."

Nik is lost for words. I can see from his reaction he had no idea about Elijah cheating on his wife with his old lover.

"I'll have to go and speak to her later," I say as he stares at me open mouthed.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, she's distraught. It's why I came back."

Nik shakes his head and stands up. "I'm going to find Elijah," he says with a grim expression on his face. "I will be back I promise."

"Please don't tell him what Maeve saw, I don't know whether she's talked to him about it yet," I clarify for him. I feel rejected at his sudden attempt to leave during our conversation but I try not to be too bothered by it. Right now Elijah and Maeve have more issues than us and if Elijah is willing to listen to Nik, I shouldn't get in the way of that.

He simply nods before kissing me gently on the lips leaving me wanting more. He closes his eyes sighing before striding out of the room. I decide to go and find Maeve while he talks to his brother. I hope she doesn't mind I've somehow got Nik involved now.

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