Chapter 26 - Misunderstandings

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I feel so awful when Elijah tells me what happened last night. While all my focus had been on Nik during my heat, Maeve had tried to ingest a large amount of wolfsbane. Elijah had sensed something was seriously wrong and had found her in the guest room just in time. I don't want to even think about what would have happened if he hadn't stopped her.

Whatever was going on between them is now resolved as I assume Elijah finally realises how his actions were harming Maeve. It's awful that it took nearly losing her for him to wake up from the crazy dream he seemed to be in, centred all around Celeste. I still find it strange that he was able to toss his mate to the side for her and then suddenly change his mind again but it's not my place to judge them. As long as Maeve is happy that's all I want for her. I'm glad they've figured it out. They are mates after all.

She seems a lot happier this morning, although ashamed about what happened. She doesn't want to talk about it much, just disappears off with Elijah. I hear him whisper how much he loves her and smile, pleased that everything is okay between them again. Celeste will be in for a shock at Elijah's apparent change of heart but I can't see how her presence will override their mate bond for a second time.

I make my way downstairs for breakfast as I ignore the crushing feeling of guilt thinking about Maeve. I pour myself some cereal but can't swallow more than a few bites as the shame of abandoning her for Nik comes back. It's all my fault. My throat feels like it's closing up and my anxiety hits the roof, getting worse with each bite I take. I could have stopped Maeve. If I had been there for her, she never would have considered harming herself. I don't deserve to have my breakfast, even if I could swallow it easily. I slowly put my spoon down.

Maeve runs into the kitchen and I can immediately tell she is upset. I hope it's not about Elijah again or I swear I'll kill the man. Whatever it is, I wasn't there for her when she needed me last time, but I will be now. For anything she asks of me.

"He's gone back to Celeste, I know he told me he loves me and he doesn't want her but I'm terrified he is lying to me. He promised me he doesn't understand or remember much of the last few days and that he is going to try to find out what happened since he would never want to leave me. But he's gone back to her already. I don't know if I can trust him, please come with me to find them." I nod discarding my breakfast as I follow her out of the compound.

Maeve marches towards the witch faction. "Celeste or Jannah or whoever the hell you are, leave my husband alone," she calls out.

We head into Jannah's place and Elijah steps out from behind Celeste causing Maeve to hesitate. They've just come out of Celeste's bedroom, I can't believe it.

"You should have just let me die," Maeve says to him, noticing them too. Losing all her courage she turns her back to them and walks back out of the house, Elijah immediately going after her.

I ignore Celeste as I go to leave to but she stops me explaining.

"Nothing happened," she tries to reassure me but I look at her sceptically. "I promise, he came here to tell me he only wants his mate. That he made a mistake kissing me and it should never have happened."

She seems like she is telling the truth so I let her continue. If she's lying she will expose herself eventually. Or Elijah will.

"He asked me to locate the stolen white oak stake again. I'm not trying to come between Elijah and Maeve I swear."

"Why did you kiss Elijah then?" I ask her.

"He kissed me. I wasn't expecting it," she says and I can't argue because I don't actually know what happened. "Maeve has been avoiding me, I haven't wanted to upset her further so I didn't try to talk to her. I'm glad you're back now, I only want us all to be friends again, this has all been a huge misunderstanding."

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