Chapter 27 - [smut] Date Night

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The whole room spins and I grab onto a chair to keep myself from falling over. The blackness around the edges of my vision slowly fades, as do the flashing white yellow spots dotted around everywhere. My head snaps around to Maeve who has stopped cooking and is watching me. No, no, no. She can't know. I pull myself upright immediately before she can say anything. But I'm not fast enough.

"Are you okay?" She asks me concerned.

"Yes of course, stood up too fast," I reassure her before walking over to stand next to her.

"Did you have breakfast?"

"Not yet," I admit knowing she will catch me out if I lie. "I'll have something now though."

She nods in acceptance and I'm pleased she doesn't probe me any further. She's the only one I'm worried about. She's the only one that will be able to work it out. While I see Nik frequently, he doesn't eat the same as we humans do. He never thinks about food or his next meal unless we eat together so doesn't notice me skipping meals. Maeve however might, since she's constantly in the kitchen.

I take my plate of food and start walking out, telling her I will eat in my room when she grabs my elbow to stop me. "No eat with me, we haven't had lunch or dinner together in over a week."

There's no avoiding it. I slink down into the chair and put on the best fake smile I can manage. She's right, since that day confronting Celeste we haven't eaten together. I realise her words have only heightened my paranoia as she might be able to tell something is wrong. I should have suggested cooking together, now she might be suspicious.

Looking down at my plate I take a bite and instantly the nausea and unbearable anxiety rush through me. I force myself to swallow and Maeve watches me. I will myself to take another, just to get her off my back. After a few agonising bites, she seems to relax.

"Where are you going on your date with Klaus this evening?" She wonders aloud and I'm thankful at the change in focus.

"I'm not sure yet, he always surprises me," I answer trying not to think about the fact it's most likely a restaurant. That will be lunch and dinner today and the thought makes my heart pound.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah just worrying about Celeste," I explain and stand up deciding to go out. I need to go on a run to ease my anxiety and I invite Maeve with me but she declines.

Getting changed into my workout clothes I inspect myself in the mirror. I've lost weight. I look awful, tired and thin. I don't want to lose any more weight but I can't bring myself to eat anything. I know a run will help me feel better but I know I shouldn't. Ignoring my worsening anxiety I decide to take a nap instead. I'll probably pass out if I exercise.

I wake up with Nik next to me, he smiles when he sees I'm awake. What time is it? Have I ruined our evening by sleeping for too long? I sit up and hope he's not angry with me.

"I'm sorry," I immediately say, apologising. "I fell asleep, I didn't realise it was so late."

"Not to worry love, we can stay in if you prefer," he offers and I nod in agreement. "Are you hungry?"

The uncomfortable pressure on my chest returns having disappeared as I was sleeping. Why am I feeling like this? It doesn't make sense, I love food.

"Claudia?" Nik says my name bringing me out of my thoughts. I don't know how to respond, he can always pick up on my lies and he knows I haven't had dinner yet. "What's wrong? I can feel your anxiety."

Of course he can. I knew he would be able to tell. The perks of having a mate are many but right now his ability to sense what I'm feeling just infuriates me. Can't people just leave me alone about this? Why does food have to be the only thing Nik and Maeve talk about? Pushing down my irritation I respond as sweetly as I can.

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