Chapter 9 - More confrontation

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"I can't believe she lied to me this whole time. For years," I say to Nik who is still sat with his arms around me. "Why couldn't she have at least told me about the curse on my family?"

"I don't know love, you'll have to ask her," he replies, rubbing a soothing hand on my back in a feeble attempt to calm me but I am too worked up, harbouring an immense amount of resentment.

"Why did you tell me all this?" I wonder, "It would have been much easier for you not to."

"Earlier today I promised you I would. I have every intention to keep my promises to you, although I must admit I assumed it wouldn't be so soon," he explains. "And there is still more I will reveal to you in time. For now, do not ask me to divulge any more."

I don't think I want to know anymore at the moment. What else could he be so afraid to tell me? His answer still doesn't make sense since I don't know why he promised to tell me in the first place but I don't dwell on it. I allow myself to be overtaken by my senses. The emotions swirling in my belly, his hands on my back giving me warmth, the sparks at our contact, the smell of him. I outwardly pretend I'm seeking comfort from a friend but internally my body is lighting up at his close proximity. I am definitely enjoying this more than I am willing to accept.

"Will you stay?" He asks very quietly, flummoxing me with his question.

Thinking about his rapid mood swings and constant back and forth attitude changes towards me, I contemplate for the first time if he also feels the connection between us like I do. I've gone from angry and fearful, to calm and craving his touch all in the space of a few hours and his fluctuating behaviour is just as confusing as mine.

"Do you want me to?" I look into his eyes, a beautiful mix of blue-green.

"Yes," he whispers and the breath catches in my throat. I try to stop my heart from racing but it's not doable.

"For Maeve?" I ask for clarification, not wanting to get my hopes up until he confirms my suspicions.

"For me, I fancy you love," he declares firmly and those electrical tingles intensify.

All I can think about is kissing him and he leans down, his eyes on my lips pulling me the short distance so I'm on his lap. His lips crash onto mine. I'm aware I'm probably making the most rushed, least thought out decision of my life but right now I don't care, it feels right. My hands reach out and touch his jawline and I feel the rough stubble under my fingers. Too soon he pulls away.

"So you've forgiven me?" He grins cheekily.

"It would appear so," I try not to laugh. "And yes, I'll stay for a while but I'll need to go home for the full moon."

"Good. I wasn't going to let you leave yet anyway," I narrow my eyes at him but say nothing as his words give me more peace than I care to admit. The stark contrast between his earlier words and now not lost on me. I doubt he could say much to make me fearful of him again.

"Maeve is back if you want to talk to her. You should." Nik tells me ruining the mood. I don't ask how he can possibly know that, instead I take off, almost flying down the corridor leaving him behind me. Nik and I can talk more later, right now I need to confront the two-faced woman I hardly recognise as my best friend.

"Maeve? Maeve you fucking cow. I know you're back." I scream across the compound searching for her. I am beyond pissed.

Channelling the betrayal I feel into anger that I can act upon, I march down the stairs and see her talking with Elijah. Somewhere in the back on my mind I remember Dad's warning to keep my anger under control but I don't care enough right now to listen to his advice. Not that it matters anyway, I've already triggered the curse. You'd have thought he would remind me of that before I became a wolf but clearly he didn't care about me enough to stop it from happening.

Elijah immediately steps in front of me, halting me abruptly in my step, blocking my way and view of Maeve.

"I thought you wanted me to talk to her you hypocrite," I growl at him. Of course he interferes thinking he needs to protect his wife. Like she needs his help. From what I've heard, she's fine handling herself with all that magic she can control. "It's laughable thinking she needs your protection, come on Elijah, who are you kidding? She's more powerful than anyone here."

"Claudia, I do want you two to talk but I will not let you upset my wife." He's astonished at the fact Nik clearly told me a lot about her. Maeve cowardly stays hidden behind him. I scowl. Of course the two pacifists avoid any confrontation. They've perfect for each other in that respect. It makes my blood boil, how can they be so indifferent to whether they tell the truth or not?

"And what about me? Don't you care she's upset me with all her lies? Oh of course not. You only care about her. Why would you even bother to stop for a second to consider how I feel?" I speak getting riled up. "What gives you the right to hide my identity from me? Are you really that selfish?"

"Claudia," Nik says in a scolding tone as he steps towards me, I hadn't even noticed he had come down. Why is he on their side now too?

Elijah repositions himself so he is now separating me from both Maeve and Nik presumably to prevent us fighting. I nearly laugh, he assumes I hate Nik even after he's explained a lot to me.

"Don't make this worse now Niklaus," Elijah warns him. Little does he know we've already made up, with great results I might add. Nik gave me the truth when I asked him for it which is more than can be said for Maeve and Elijah who continue to refuse. It's no good claiming to only tell the truth when you refuse to answer any questions.

"You think I would harm her?" Nik states indignantly.

"You did threaten to right here about half an hour ago Niklaus, maybe you have forgotten. You'll forgive me if I don't quite believe you." Elijah tells him.

"You know who she is. I would never hurt her," Nik insists shaking his head.

I don't care about this right now. The brothers can argue all they want but I only care about answers from Maeve. I doubt she has any good reasons for doing what she did but I have to talk to her. I see her peek at me before side stepping out from behind Elijah's tall frame.

"How could you Maeve? We've lived together for years now and not once did you try to tell me anything about any of this. I might have expected it from Elijah but not you. You could have told me about my family instead of lying to me just like my dad did." My words distress her and she stares at the floor taking them in.

"You have some nerve to be upset," I exclaim. "Is anything I have said a lie? Maybe you should take a page out of Nik's book and tell the truth for once in your miserable life. But that wouldn't please Elijah would it? No. You're so eager to do anything for him you'd probably follow him to your own death. It's quite honestly pitiful, your relationship with him. You're pathetic. Both of you." I see Nik stifling a grin at my harsh assessment of their marriage. Elijah shoots a worried look towards Maeve at my accusations.

"You should have left Maeve out of your explanation, you can see it's done neither of them any good," Elijah speaks to Nik gesturing to us.

"I promised Claudia the truth, which I gave. Not all of it as you can see, or we'd all be having a very different conversation right now," Nik explains turning to me. "But she deserves to know."

"I see you've reconciled in addition to disclosing many of our guarded secrets," Elijah steps back, discerning the passing look between us. "Claudia, I will not tolerate you harassing my wife again. If she wants to speak with you, I will facilitate it, provided you are willing to be calm and discuss this rationally. But if she is not willing, you must respect her decision," he attempts to lay down the law.

Maeve finally speaks up. "It's okay, let us be Elijah, Nik." She nods to each of them. Elijah hesitates for a moment but Maeve stands her ground. "I'll be fine Elijah."

Nik and Elijah exchange a glance before Elijah relents. "We'll be right upstairs," he promises her before they disappear, both of them checking on us behind them as they walk away. Nik gives me an encouraging smile and I'm so grateful he seems understand I need support and reassurance right now.

I scrutinise Maeve's expression before letting out a sigh, this conversation is going to be a long one.

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