Chapter 29 - Reversing a hex

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"Will you let me compel you?"

"No no no, Nik you said you wouldn't. You promised," I say in terror.

"I promise you Claudia. It would just be to get rid of the damn awful hex. I can try to make this all go away, wouldn't you like that?"

The tears in his eyes make me rethink. I've never seen him cry. I never thought I would. Maeve is astounded too but she watches on with Elijah next to her. His words permeate my foggy brain as I accept he might be right. Just this once I will let myself hope that he can get rid of this. If it doesn't work then I know I have no hope left. I'll be feeling this overwhelmed constantly for the rest of my life.

"Only that, promise me only that. I don't want you to get rid of it but I feel so awful."

"We have to get rid of it, you don't really want this. I can make it all go away, I promise that's all I will compel you to do."

I weakly nod my head and he looks relieved before looking me directly in the eyes. "You don't feel anxious or worried. Take the apple and eat it with no hesitation."

I remember his words when he stops, the uncomfortable weight on my chest lifting. It's worked, it's actually worked. I have no nagging guilt or nerves and I smile at him.

"I feel better Nik, so much better," I tell him in awe at how powerful compulsion is. This time I feel great. Light returns to his eyes as he offers up the apple for me to take, which I do easily.

"It's working," notes Elijah, seeing my change in mood and willingness to take the apple from his brother.

They all watch me intently as I bring the apple to my lips. I'm still feeling great, I think this has worked.

I open my mouth to take a bite but the rush of uneasiness returns. Nik's hopeful eyes are on me and he hasn't felt anything through the bond. My heart sinks as I accept compulsion hasn't helped me. But they think it has.

I try not to cry from the realisation. I'm going to feel like this forever. Maybe I can trick them into thinking it has worked if I eat something. Maybe they will then leave me alone. They are convinced I am instantly better after the compulsion, I will try to keep it that way so they don't force me to eat or drink Nik's blood.

Pushing aside the swirling emotions pooling in my stomach, I take a bite. A large bite. If I'm going to convince them I'm fine I have to do it properly. They will stop hovering over me then and I can go back to normal.

A large smile replaces Nik's serious one when he thinks it's worked. I chew on the large bite and swallow it down trying not to choke.

"It's worked," he says overjoyed at the easy fix.

"Listen to her heartbeat Niklaus," Elijah instructs. "She's lying, she's hiding that it did not work."

I see red. How dare he say that. I just ate that big bite for nothing. Before I can stop myself I hurl the apple in my hands at him but he catches it easily, irritated but not surprised by my retaliation. I wish it hit him. I wish it ruined that impeccably tidy suit.

Nik is heartbroken as he registers Elijah is right so I look away from him. I don't need to feel any worse than I already do. He'll get over it, he wasn't expecting to have a mate anyway. It doesn't matter what happens to me.

"This has nothing to do with you Elijah. You don't have to get involved in everything, just leave me alone. You're making this way worse by convincing Nik that something's wrong when it's not," I say hoarsely, getting louder and louder with each word.

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