Chapter 19 - A Big Fight

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Nik hasn't slept all night, tearing the compound apart and questioning anybody who set foot inside over the past few days. The white oak stake is missing. No one knows where it could have gone. Elijah and I watch him pace back and forth racking his brains for a possible explanation.

His fuming gaze softens marginally as I ask Elijah to give us some privacy to talk. I haven't been able to sleep a wink either, feeling only a small fraction of the emotions he is right now. He sits down on a chair and sulks, I've never seen him so unnerved before. His bad mood has scattered everyone as far away from him as possible, fearing the consequences of being on the receiving end of his wrath.

I sigh, sitting on the arm of the chair as he keeps his face angled down towards the ground. Without thinking I curl up beside him and my hand reaches out to touch his cheek. I brush my thumb over it lightly. I don't know what to say or do to help so I just sit next to him in silence watching the rise and fall of his chest as he breathes.

"We'll find it Nik," my head tilts to the side as I lay it on his shoulder. He leans into me but doesn't say a word. I continue on, "you've tipped this place upside down and spoken to everyone who's been here recently. You'll find it, someone has to know where it is."

"Someone has taken it," he grits his teeth together. "Someone is conspiring against me. Against all of us." His hands curl up into fists and then flex out as he speaks.

"Jannah is working on locating it now, she'll find it. We will get it back," I express my confidence in her aloud.

"Someone planned this," he says quietly, ignoring me. "Your near death was simply a distraction. They're using you and Maeve to get to me and Elijah. They know how to hurt us, how to blackmail us. They're taunting us with our ma-, with our women, making you targets."

"You need some rest," I try another approach dismissing his description of me as his woman for the moment. I rub my palm in soothing circles on his chest. "You can't possibly be at your strongest to plan and retaliate when you're exhausted," I elaborate, knowing him well enough by now to know this will get through to him. He hates anything that will make him weak. He contemplates but before he can make up his mind, Jannah bursts into the room.

"I can't trace it," she says worriedly. "It's like it doesn't exist."

Nik stands up immediately and nearly knocks me over but he steadies me upright at the last second. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Jannah's double take at my position as she sees I was practically sat on Nik's lap.

"Do it again," he commands her. We watch and wait for some sort of sign that it is working but after a while she just shakes her head again in defeat.

Nik yells out smashing an empty canvas on the floor before throwing another across the room in frustration. Elijah bursts in and Jannah explains the situation. He is very displeased but keeps it together better than his brother.

I look to Jannah and we exit the room together, leaving the boys to discuss the problematic missing stake. She decides to stay and eat lunch with me as she wants to attempt the spell again before she gives up completely.

"Did I see you and Nik getting all close and cozy?" She makes fun of me while I pretend not to know what she means. "Come on Claudia, I'm not blind. You're basically dating him at this point."

"No, we're not. I would tell you if we were."

"Mark my words it will be sooner than you think," she says and my heart races at the thought. "I'm so pleased he finally came clean to you about everything. I can see you're still on good terms and I'm glad it doesn't bother you about your aunt," she says casually. "What's done is done I suppose and you two are so sweet together."

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