" I've got no alibi." She replied without tearing her gaze from her knotted fingers that rested on her lap.

He huffed out a breath, dropping his stern resolve along with it. "Disappearing out of nowhere when such allegations have been pressed on you did not work in your favour, did it? It only distorted the issue."
Once again, he found himself in his older brother mode.

" I know," She nearly whined. " But at that moment, it was the best option. Every single person and evidence was against me back then. Even your brother, whom I least expected to. Plus, the disappointment that came with it. Even you believe that I did it right?"
That was how she got to trap him. He stared at her for a while, harbouring no ill intent__ just taken aback by her question.

" Honestly, I was in a fix concerning what to believe and what not to. Now that you are here, we need to prove you right. For my brother's sake, I'll help you."
Of course, he'll do it only for his brother's sake.

Silence. It reigned for a few moments before Mariya spoke.

" Are you going to inform Zayn about my presence here?" She asked while feigning oblivion to the response.

Emraan nodded. " No doubt. It's for your own good. He's miserable."

That was another stab into her chest. " So what if I don't get to prove myself innocent of the allegations?" She dreaded that. " Would you still hold ties with me?"

" Zayn will decide that." He answered. "Have you made any progress on that?" He wondered if she had anything to defend herself with.

" No," she shook her head in denial.
"Because Zayn was the one who found the pills in my bag, it will be hard to." She got up from her seat, not wanting to prod further on the issue. "Sai anjuma, I've got to prepare for a court trial. The Fahad and CO. lawsuit."

" Sure."


Mariya walked out of the courtroom, holding her briefcase and black overcoat in hand. The case had been adjourned and things were working in her favour. For once pushing herself out of her comfort zone to work felt worth the trouble. To say the least, it was tiring. All she was left with, was to get back to the firm to meet with a few clients, then she would call it a productive day.
She reached out for her phone and made a few clicks before sliding it back into her pocket. She had only five minutes before her Uber driver arrived. It was a wonder that she hadn't bumped into her mother.

" Attorney Malika!"

She stopped in her tracks when she heard someone address her. That voice was one that she would remember even in her sleep. How did he know her precise location? Emraan should start pleading guilty.
Her shoulders sagged in defeat. She turned to her brother. " Fareed."

He shot her a concerned look. He wondered how she was able to drag herself to work.

She couldn't hold his gaze for long, scared that he was also disappointed in her. Fareed on the other hand, closed the distance between them and enveloped her in a hug, not caring a speck about the busy environment.
That was wholesome.

" Where have you been, dumbo!" He hit the back of her veiled head. " Do you what you put us through? All of us."

She broke the hug. " I'm sorry." She was surprised that her voice didn't wobble.

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