Start from the beginning

" But- "

" No, Aslan. It's okay. I'm fine, " he simply shook his head to turn and look at them staring at him, equally worried. " we don't want to have the talk. Just remember, I don't want to reject her. I'll never do it. I'm trying to find a solution to the mess that I've gotten myself into. "

He slowly leaned on the table, folding his arms with a vague shudder.

" I'm afraid it is not easier than it sounds, Your Majesty. "

Aslan stared at Isaac, who talked in a soft tone, his eyes looking at nowhere.

" It's not. " The King agreed. " But I'll try. "

" So...which means you're going to just find her way back home? "

" Yeah... I'm trying to do it quickly as possible because day by day, it becomes harder and harder to coupe myself. " he sighed staring at them. " I'm just afraid I'll stop her from attaining her real happiness. "

" In the end... we'll never have a Mistress then... " Isaac mumbled, the empty feeling lingering at the pit of his stomach, making him squirm internally.

" I'm sorry... Though I need her in my life...I can't have her. "

Why must he do that if he had other choices? Ignatius had to ask that loud to stop the King from feeling apologetic.

" But why can't it last? Why can't she know the truth? Just let her know you. " his nostrils flared in rage while the Knights stared at the King as if agreeing with him. " You're trying to destroy both of you. By the end, we'd never know what might happen. Why don't you just give in to your feelings? "

He was almost pleading by the end. His eyes were desperate for a reaction from the King. They were tired of seeing him run away like a coward.

But Lucas shook his head and only gave them a tight smile.

" I can't. Don't ask me why. That will scare you. "

Ignatius rolled his eyes. " I've seen worst and heard worst. I don't think your paranoid thoughts would be anticipating, "

" Im telling you. " Lucas repeated. " You'd not want to know. I was different before her arrival. I'm different with her beside me. I'll be totally different when she'd not be with me. " His tone was lower than an octave again with each gulp he took before completing.

" Just don't take me wrong, Your Majesty. Whatever you have in your mind, let it be. We're not sure about how long she'd be here as your mate, as the Mistress, as the Queen. But before she goes back to her place where she'd be nothing but Ava Winslow, please, I request you, do her some favours. " Isaac suddenly spiked not even wanting to decrease the tone of his voice.

The hair of his skin was spiked feeling all of their attention on him at the same time and meeting the King's eyes was harder than it could be said.

" She has an untold past that we're aware of and it could hunt her the minute she gets past the door. Not for you, not for us, not for the mate bond or kingdom sh*t, do it for her. " he pleaded in a whisper noticing the King's eyes eventually softening at the realisation.

Ava Winslow had definitely inherited some unfinished business without her own will because of Lucas's one mistake.

He never did that on purpose but still, the responsibility somehow tolled on him.

The thought of just assuring himself after sending her away that her family would take good care of her only scared his heart and tried batting the idea of letting her go. He couldn't imagine her struggling alone.

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