Fearless (33)

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Tonight is the first youth of the year. I am so excited. I am going to join the team tonight. Also I am seeing Ricky who has been away this past week.

I spoke to Chris about shadowing tonight. So I was wearing black, with a high pony and make up. We all agreed to wear our bandanna's.

Ricky walked up wearing a black shit and shorts, with his weird socks (of course) and green vans. He hugged me.

"Hi." he said with a smile. "Hi" I smile back "How are you?" I deflect the question .

"How was your holiday?" I ask him. "It was amazing but it is good to be home" he tells me before and we continue chatting for a while.

"I am glad to see you have your bandana." I say because we agreed to all wear our bandana's tonight.

We were in the same area for a while just talking to different people. During praise and worship, we sang one of my favorite songs.

Now I normally am in the front but tonight I was at the back but what is weird is I could pick Ricky out in the crowd.

After service he was doing the ropes on one side and I was doing them on the other. So basically there are different sections with chairs and then like an aisle seperating them.

I will admit that I went there because I saw him going there and I had promised myself that I would get to know him better.

We were in the section where there was no one else so it was just us. "So are you ready for school." I ask him.

"Oh yeah" he says with a dazzling smile. "You?" he asks me. I laugh and say "Funny story, I actually started on Wednesday and then I switch schools and now I have the rest of January off."

"No way, that is lucky" he asks. "What do you want to be when your older?" I ask him and he replies "An engineer and you?"

"A music producer and business women" I say then continue "And I am going to switch curriculum and do the American one."

"I don't get it. They have three different Math and we cover all three in one" he tells me. I just nod my head.

We walk into the light and he goes to put his rope away and I look at mine and it is so tangled. He comes back and says

"Do you need some help?" I laugh and say "Yes please." He takes it from me and we start to untangle it together.

Because of that our hands kept touching. I am very calm for some reason. Alex then comes and I ask him about school.

When we get the rope untangled. "So this is how you do it." he says and then shows me. "Thanks" I say to him.

We then go outside and I speak to Alex for a while. I then went to speak to Chris about joining the welcome team.

So Isabelle, Ricky and Jacob were there. I ended up standing next to Ricky and we spoke about me joining Welcome.

I turned to Ricky and said "Can you send me Chris's number please?" he nods and takes out his phone.

"I will do it when I get home because I don't have WiFi here." He said and I thanked him. Hoping he won't forget.

We hugged each goodbye and said see you Sunday.

Hey everyone

I hope you enjoyed this chapter

Eat, sleep enough and drink lots of water. Be yourself cause your amazing and deserve the world

Love you lots, like jelly tots

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