Sparks Fly (32)

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"What are your guys new year's resolution?" I ask them. "To not wait until the last minute to do homework." Ricky says and everyone laughs. The others didn't really have any.

Mine are to grow closer to the Lord, fixing my diet and getting closer to my friends. We decided to go and sit down. I sat in the middle behind Ricky and EJ.

The three of us was talking about camp and Ricky's holiday. "What was your favorite day from camp?" I asked them. "The forth day. The praise and worship that night was amazing and so insane. Also that day was so fun."

We agree and continue talking until Isabelle came. We all stood up and hugged her. We have gotten close and I am happy to have her as a friend.

We took some group pictures and went back to talking in small groups. The group was sitting upstairs so we could see the whole church. EJ, Ricky and I spoke about our plans for the day.

Remind you it is like 10:50 at night. We spoke about that until the band came on. We had an amazing praise and worship.

I love watching Ricky during praise and worship. Not in a creepy way but in an 'I am in awe" way. He gets so into it and it is amazing to watch. It is like he is in his element.

He gets this smile on his face that is unlike any of his other smiles. It is the best one because it is for the Lord and only for the Lord.

Our pastor gave a sermon and then it was 2 minutes until midnight. There was a buzz of excitement through the church. We all stood up and then the countdown began.

When the clock struck midnight we all screamed "Happy New Year" and threw our streamers every. The people at the top threw it downstairs.

I hugged EJ and then Emma. Then we went down the row hugging each other. When I got to Ricky.

We hugged. I love his hugs. I was pulling away but he hugged Megs as well. SO I was basically squashed between the two of them. We pulled away and then went opposite ways in the row.

The group the picked up the streamers. Grace started decorating Ricky with streamers and I joined in. We all laughed. The main color was pink.

We then went down stairs to pick up the streamers. Ricky, Grace and I were on the same side. I saw my mom by the entrance and we started to navigate towards her.

When Ricky saw her he said "Hey!" and basically ran towards her. He wished her happy New years and then I did.

She told me to start saying goodbye so I gave the streamers I had to Ricky and hugged them goodbye (again a proper hug). He hugged my mom.

I quickly went and wished his parents and hugged his mom goodbye and then I hugged Jacob and the others goodbye.

I love how I started my year.

Hello everyone

I haven't updated in forever and for that I apologize.

Take care of yourself, eat, sleep, drink water and be you cause you're amazing and deserve the world

Love you

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