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So we get to the dining room. We prayed and lined up. I was talking to Andrew and Ricky at the back.

I glared playfully at Ricky because he had just dunked a bucket of water on me so yeah. "I can't believe you poured a bucket of water on me" I said to him.

"Hey you started it." he said. "I sprayed you with a water gun" I say confused. Like how is that fair at all.

"Nini you should know that if you trow a peble at a guy, he will throw a flower back. Just with the pot." Andrew says and Ricky just nods along.

"I know that now." I say and go sit down. Amy comes and sits near me. She looks at me and sees I don't have food.

She gives me a look and I say "I am not hungry." I say. And she looks at me. I haven't eaten today.

A little later Pastor Cappy is sitting in front of me and Ricky is sitting next to me. Well not directly next to me, there is a chair between us but still.

"Nini, you need to eat." Amy and EJ say. "Guys I am not hungry." I say. "But you haven't eaten since last night." Amy says.

"Guys I have gone longer without food." I say. "It is not good Neens." Pastor Cappy says and I nod.

I get a messaged from my Dad and it is a picture of Grace and Ricky from our camp three years ago since it was the same time.

"Ricky look here." I say and he looks and I show him the photo. "Oh no. Where did you get that" he asks.

"My Dad just sent it, from Embo three years ago, it came up on his memories." I say and then I show the picture to Pastor Cappy.

I then go show Grace and everyone after they said they wanted to see. After that I got more pictures from my Dad and showed a few to Ricky and to the others.

Then after lunch we had free time for a while and I realized I still had a huge bag of sweets.

So I went around and offered everyone. When I came to Ricky, I offered him like everyone. "Do you want some sweets?"I ask.

" No thanks. But thank you for offering Nina."he says.

He is still the only one I let call me my actual name.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter

Take care of yourself. Eat, Drink lots of water, sleep enough, be you, do what makes you happy. You are all incredible and deserve the world

Love you

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