Arguments (12)

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After lunch we did activities and then had dinner. Then we did our sermon and praise and worship and I stood next to Ricky. But unlike last night I was taking steps closer to him. It is now desert. 

I was sitting with EJ , Amy and Anna. Ricky was on the opposite end of the dinning hall. EJ had asked Gina to get his ice cream and bring it to him. 

So I went to get his ice cream. When I went to get the ice cream I saw that Gina was dishing up. Someone walked past and then it was Just Ricky and I waiting to get ice cream.

He turned around and said "You can go first." with his normal smile. "No you go first." I said as he was here first. 

"No you go first." he said. "No you go first." I said . "No you go first." He says. We are both stubborn. 

"No you go first." I said to him. He then turned to Gina. "Gina please help her first." he said to her. SO I turned to Gina. "No Gina please help him first." I said. Gina is just looking between us now. "Gina please help her first." he said. "Gina help him first ."I say. 

Gina then helps him first. When wee were done with that . EJ ate his ice cream and then I went to wash my dish. Ricky was there and I said " You know I am letting you go first right." He nods and goes first. 

Then like last night they were playing music but this time, it was a lot of newer music.

Shut up and dance with me came on and my friends and I got up to dance. "Come on EJ. Dance with us" I say but he says that he is still eating.

Next the song Cheerleader came on. My friends and I were dancing. When the lyric 'she is always right there when I need her.' EJ and Anna both looked up at me because they were still sitting down and they both just smiled.

When the next song comes on I sit for a while and EJ says "Ricky looked at you while during the song." Anna says "YESS that is why I smiled at you."

Before I can respond Single Ladies by Beyoncé came on and my friends pulled me up to dance.

Half way through the song Ricky starts dancing. We all start cheering and laughing and Gina video taped it cause she was recording everything.

It was so much fun. After we all went to put our stuff down. Then a bunch of us were in the kitchen area.

We were all dancing to music and then Jacob starts playing with his light saber. We then did these super cool photos and it was so much fun.

We then all said goodnight to each other and went to bed. When Gina and I were talking and I said "What did you think of the fight we had.".

"It was so cute." she says and then I told her about what EJ and Ana said and that. Then I spoke to EJ and all of that. Then I was tired so I went to sleep.

I love this day and can't wait for tomorrow.


I hope you enjoyed this.

I said this was one of my favorite chapters but I have a few of those. I might update again today.

Take care of yourself. Eat, drink lots of water, sleep well. You are all incredible and deserve the world.

Love you guy

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