Blending In (24)

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I watched the area for a few minutes. Then we decided one of us should go check out our surroundings. So I went

As I was checking out the perimeter around us, I heard the rustling of the leaves close to me. Meaning there was movement. And that meant that someone was close and in our territory.

I asked for our code word that our whole team knew, so that the person could identify themselves. It would help me figure out if they were the enemy or my companion. There was no answer. I shouted  blueberries towards our base.

Blueberries. We agreed that the word blueberries would alert us that there was an intruder in our territory.

As I shouted three figures ran further into our territory. I ran after them but there were three of them and they all spilt up.

The three figures were fast and ran further into our territory until the darkness over came them and we couldn't see them as they were too far into our territory.

There were trees against the wall of the outskirts of our territory, we presume that the were hiding out back there.

For the next few minutes we all watched our surroundings carefully. Watching the back of our territory intensely.

We knew that they could pounce any moment, run and free our prisoner. Jacob is a good companion so he is helpful.

A few moments later we saw a figure approaching us from the area where one of the openings were. We ask the word for them to reveal who they are and it turns out to be Jody.

She told us that we're are going to start again and that we can't have too many defenders.

She tells Jacob he can go. We then all call out the the three figures. And they come towards us.

They step into the light that was provided by Jody and it is the three musketeers. Of course it is them.

Ben, Peter and Ricky.

So we start again. This time we spilt up. I go with Corbin and Chantal. We creep around the building that was there and hide there while Matt distracts the other team.

After Matt, who we know is in our team even if he is a leader, sends them away. We creep into their territory.

Corbin runs first and grabs a ball. Chantal had disappeared.  I decided that I would walk rather than run to avoid raising suspicion. 

I grabbed a ball and walked back again to avoid suspicion. I ran into a problem at the gate. Ricky and a few other people on the orange team were there.

I just stood there with them while they were talking and when they moved I moved. I knew that once I got in my territory I would be safe. 

I got into my territory and one of my teammates did stop me but when I showed them my bracelet they let me go. 


I hope you enjoyed this.

Thanks for reading. 

Guys we are nearly done with the camp chapters and I am actually so sad about that. 

Take care of yourselves, Eat, drink lots of water, sleep enough, be you and do what you love. You are all incredible and deserve the world. 

I love you

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