Birthdays And Bands (2)

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It is my birthday. It has been a wild few months. We aren't doing much today. My little cousins and their dad are coming. Their mom is on a business trip.

My Lola is also coming. Oh and how can I forget Gina my best friend is coming. The others would come but they couldn't as they were all busy.

The party has been great so far. My mom baked my cake as always. I mean she is a baker so. My cake this year is the musical notes from Just for a moment, which is one of by favorite songs. It is by Joshua Bassett and Olivia Rodrigo.

It was time to blow out my candles. Everyone sang happy birthday and blew my candles out. Not one was left lit.

"You have no boyfriends" my sister Emma says. "So you and him aren't dating" my mom says. I know she is talking about.

So a few weeks ago it was the release of our band's alumb at church and they were singing it for the church. We got tickets. So I got dressed and wore my red dress that I wore to lasts years dance.

We walked into the church and my family started walking to the connecting coffee shop. I stopped when I saw Ricky and his brother Jacob standing by the counter.

"I am just going to say hello to Ricky and Jacob." I say to my mom. She nods and I walked away. "Hi Ricky. Hi Jacob." I say.

"Hi Nini." they both greet. We then talk about how we are and how our days were. We get onto the topic of school.

Since they go to a different school. Even tho we have known each other for three years, I still didn't know what school they go to.

About 10 or 15 minutes later I see my mom waving me over so I say goodbye and go to my mom. "How are the boys" she says with this look on her face.

"They are good" I say and we go find our seats. The night goes on and Wow that was amazing.

I see Gina wiggle her eyebrows. But I know she is not thinking of the same person. See Gina is thinking of my other best friend. Most of our friends and classmates ship us together. But I really don't like him like that.

"Ah you mean -" she starts but gets cut off by my mom "Ricky." I see Gina turn around so fast that she might have got whiplash. "Ricky? Who is this Ricky?"she asks me.

"Oh no one." I say simply. I planned to keep it at that but my mom had other plans. "He is a boy that always says hello to her on the coffee shop." I feel my cheeks turn bright red but control it until Gina said his name in a teasing way.

I rolled my eyes and tried my best not to blush. My mom was right he always says hello to me with the biggest smile. I shake it off and continue to cut the cake.


Me: I won't post much
Also me: I already know where this is going to go and it is easy to write cause it is based off of my life

Anyway I hope you enjoyed it

Thank for commenting, voting and reading it means so much to me

Take care of yourself. East enough, drink lots of water and get enough sleep. You are all incredible and so so amazing.

I love you all more than you will ever know

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