Day 21: Coaches (What if... AU)

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Nya's POV

“Hey, you good there, Nya?” Cole asked me.

“Yep,” I answered to him.

“You sure? Because that's like the umpteenth gymnastic compilation you have watched.” he said.

“Oh, it's just… y'know.”

“Y'know what?” he asked. Oh, I see what you're tryna do.

“Isn't it obvious already?” I told him.

“I wanna hear you say it, Neena,” he really had to use my first name.

We had a mini staring contest and as usual, he wins.

“Ugh, fine,” I started. “I wanna learn gymnastics.”

“You could've just said so, waterlily,” Cole replied.

“Huh?” why is he saying in that tone.

“Just a little secret between you and me… and Morro,” Cole began, lowering his voice. “I used to do gymnastics.”

“Cool!” I replied, wait… “Used to?”

Cole's gaze darkened a bit, but tries to hide it, “It's hard to balance school stuffs and gymnastics, okay?”

“Point taken,” a bit, I guess, but let's keep that a secret. “So you're willing to teach me?”

“Of course, though I do need to get paid,” he said with a smile. A mischievous one.

“How much?”

“200 per hour.”

Wow, just wow… It's bargaining time, “95 per hour.”



“Deal,” Cole stretched his hand towards me.

I reached out to it and shook it once, “Glad we had an agreement, Coach. Let's start this Saturday, 2pm.”

"AU-gust 2023,, (Ninjago AUs)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora